Hi Greg,

This is a consequence of the changes we made to bucket properties to try and
simplify a few configuration issues.  I've filed a bug for it.


Why does your hook need to go after the search hook?

Cheers, Jon.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Greg Pascale <g...@clipboard.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've noticed that the Riak Search precommit hook behaves in a really odd
> and non-standard way in Riak 1.0. It seems that setting search:true on a
> bucket automatically causes the precommit hook to be installed, and setting
> search:false automatically uninstalls it.
> Ok, but if I set search true and then set precommit to [], it still shows
> the search hook. Weird. And now if I set precommit to some other hook that I
> wrote, it just slots it in before the search hook.
> I find this really lame. I've been working on a precommit hook that needs
> to come after the search hook, but that seems to be impossible now. Prior to
> 1.0, I could just issue the command
> *curl -X PUT  -d
> '{"props":{"precommit":[{"mod":"riak_search_kv_hook","fun":"precommit"},
> {<my hook>}]}}' *
> to install the hooks in the right order.
> --
> Greg
> Clipboard
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