Hi All,

I'm proud to announce that we're taking the first steps towards
releasing Riak 1.0 with the creation of the 1.0 branch and initial
package builds. With 1.0, we will be doing two series of builds before
the final release.

The first stage is "pre-release" (aka PR) builds that represent the
feature-complete Riak 1.0, with minor cleanup and tweaks still
ongoing. You WILL find some rough edges with packaging and the
features -- we're still working through these and will do pre-releases
as often as necessary to get these issues resolved. We'll also be
trying to incorporate outstanding pull requests where change is

The second stage is "release candidate" (aka RC) builds that represent
what we believe to be a solid product, suitable for release. Once we
hit this stage, only major, show-stopping bugs will be addressed.

We would love to get your feedback on these builds, good or bad. We're
trying this new process to do a better job of incorporating community
feedback BEFORE the release. :) If you run into issues, please drop us
a line on the ML or in IRC -- we'll do our best to stay on top of it.
If you'd like to file bugs, we ask you do a check of bugzilla to avoid
creating duplicate issues. Also note that the docs on wiki.basho.com
may still reflect 0.14.2; we'll be addressing those over next few

It goes without saying that you should think twice before running a PR
or RC in production. :)

So, without further ado:



Dave Smith
Director, Engineering
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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