Hello, Community. I'd like to know how many of you are directly using the mapred* functions in the riak_client module (riak_client:mapred/2,3,4, :mapred_stream/2,3,4, :mapred_bucket/2,3,4, etc.). Of those that are, how many of you would mind if they moved out of riak_client and into a separate module?
Just to be clear: if you're accessing Riak's MapReduce system over HTTP or ProtocolBuffers, this change would not affect you. My search is only for people using the native distributed Erlang client (https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/blob/master/src/riak_client.erl). I'm doing some other work on Riak's MapReduce system, and as part of the cleanup, I'd like to deprecate the riak_client:mapred* functions, and replace them with functions in another module. Basically, any code you had like this: {ok, C} = riak:local_client(), {ok, Results} = C:mapred(Inputs, Query). would need to be converted to this: {ok, Results} = riak_kv_mapred_iface:mapred(Inputs, Query). Additionally, remote connections that looked like this: {ok, C} = riak:client_connect(RiakNode), {ok, Results} = C:mapred(Inputs, Query). would need to be converted to something like this: {ok, Results} = rpc:call(RiakNode, riak_kv_mapred_iface, mapred, [Inputs, Query]). Would this change be distasteful or unbearable for any of you? Thanks, Bryan Fink Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com