Hello, Community.

I'd like to know how many of you are directly using the mapred*
functions in the riak_client module (riak_client:mapred/2,3,4,
:mapred_stream/2,3,4, :mapred_bucket/2,3,4, etc.). Of those that are,
how many of you would mind if they moved out of riak_client and into a
separate module?

Just to be clear: if you're accessing Riak's MapReduce system over
HTTP or ProtocolBuffers, this change would not affect you. My search
is only for people using the native distributed Erlang client

I'm doing some other work on Riak's MapReduce system, and as part of
the cleanup, I'd like to deprecate the riak_client:mapred* functions,
and replace them with functions in another module.  Basically, any
code you had like this:

   {ok, C} = riak:local_client(),
   {ok, Results} = C:mapred(Inputs, Query).

would need to be converted to this:

   {ok, Results} = riak_kv_mapred_iface:mapred(Inputs, Query).

Additionally, remote connections that looked like this:

   {ok, C} = riak:client_connect(RiakNode),
   {ok, Results} = C:mapred(Inputs, Query).

would need to be converted to something like this:

   {ok, Results} = rpc:call(RiakNode, riak_kv_mapred_iface, mapred,
[Inputs, Query]).

Would this change be distasteful or unbearable for any of you?


Bryan Fink
Senior Software Engineer
Basho Technologies

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