It seems like what you are needing is a lot what the Yammer guys needed for
their streamie application.   They have a video here: about how they modeled their data.   It might be
pretty helpful for your application.   If not, no harm done, you still get
to watch a video from some pretty smart people!

Hope it helps,

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:39 PM, alexeypro <> wrote:

> I have a need to keep "notifications" for "users", where each user has
> folders "a", "b" and "c". Also every note has "read" status
> Original thought was to create bucket "notifications" which will have the
> key user_id, and the value will be JSON object in some structure like this:
> {
>   user_id: "3ds78df7df8d7f8df7",
>   folder: "a",
>   read: 0,
>   note: "my note here",
>   timestamp: 18298329329
> }
> I am using Riak Search, so say, if I need to find all unread notes in
> folder
> "a" for user_id "3ds78df7df8d7f8df7" I am doing:
> select?q=..
> user_id:3ds78df7df8d7f8df7 AND read:0
> This works ugly slow -- takes about 12 secs for my case with only 5mln of
> records bringing 5 results back.
> My next idea was to create buckets per every user. Say user
> "3ds78df7df8d7f8df7" will get bucket: "3ds78df7df8d7f8df7_notes" and we
> search within it, which should be faster.
> Please advise!
> --
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