On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Andrew Thompson <and...@hijacked.us> wrote:

> I actually have a couple pull requests open to add support for all the
> BSDs for riak. You're welcome to contribute to the effort.
> https://github.com/basho/erlang_js/pull/11
> https://github.com/basho/skerl/pull/5
> Piotr actually has a better fix for skerl on OpenBSD here
> https://github.com/basho/skerl/pull/6
> We do need to solve the make/gmake issue in erlang_js (its hardcoded to
> make in rebar.config). I was thinking a little wrapper script that would
> use 'gmake' if available and fall back on 'make' if its not.

There's a few ways to tackle this.

1. GNUMakefile instead of Makefile
2. Allow overriding the configuration
3. Platform specific include files for configuration based on uname.

I've only just started bumping into this problem, so I'm sure you guys are a
bit ahead of me :-).

My biggest concern is getting the changes upstream so a port is not


> Andrew
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