Be careful here..

I do not thing Riak's "protocol buffers" are the same as Google's protocol
Google's does bit-level packing and some other tricks that Riak does not do,
even though they both use the ".proto" file extension and very very similar
proto semantics.

That said, if they ARE the same, then you can take the .proto files and
generate C++ classes, and use the secondary library "protobuf-c" to generate
C structs for the wire format.


On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 4:43 PM, David Leimbach <> wrote:

> Spent a little time poking at this today... Kind of surprised that there
> was no message defined for PingReq or for listing buckets.
> I realize these messages really have no usable payload, and just sort of
> have a tag and length, but for completeness it kind of feels like they
> should be there.
> Of course I'm not a Protocol Buffers expert in any sense, so I can't say
> whether this is a normal kind of choice or not.
> Dave
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Scott Gonyea <> wrote:
>> If we had this then a C-wrapper would be that much more attainable. So,
>> the author of such a lib would be a superstar in my book :).
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 8, 2011, at 1:46 PM, David Leimbach <> wrote:
>> > I've been writing a bit of code in Haskell to push data to Riak, and the
>> bindings are pretty easy to use (Thanks Brian!), but getting penetration at
>> my company for Haskell is going to take a little time.
>> >
>> > As such I'm just wondering if anyone knows of anyone working on a
>> protocol buffers version of a Riak client in C++, or if this is going to be
>> something I'll have to take on.
>> >
>> > I've found a few generic looking C++ projects that use Boost's
>> asynchronous IO stuff with protocol buffers to make an RPC system, but I'm
>> not sure if any of those are implicitly compatible.
>> >
>> > Guess I'm just looking for a pointer...
>> >
>> > Dave
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