If we had this then a C-wrapper would be that much more attainable. So, the 
author of such a lib would be a superstar in my book :).

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 8, 2011, at 1:46 PM, David Leimbach <leim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been writing a bit of code in Haskell to push data to Riak, and the 
> bindings are pretty easy to use (Thanks Brian!), but getting penetration at 
> my company for Haskell is going to take a little time.
> As such I'm just wondering if anyone knows of anyone working on a protocol 
> buffers version of a Riak client in C++, or if this is going to be something 
> I'll have to take on.
> I've found a few generic looking C++ projects that use Boost's asynchronous 
> IO stuff with protocol buffers to make an RPC system, but I'm not sure if any 
> of those are implicitly compatible.
> Guess I'm just looking for a pointer...
> Dave
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