I mistakenly didn't send a reply to the whole list, but given what everyone
is saying I think I "get it" now and the reasoning.

Given all of that it seems pretty clear that if I wanted to do what I'm
talking about purely in the context of riak using links might work or a
bucket containing keys and values that represent a data structure like a
list or btree might work. But either way I guess its up to me if I want to
make a index/faster method of traversal of keys. Thats fine, I accept thats
the cost of using a dynamo database for now :-)

Thanks for all the insights and comments.

Tom Burdick

On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com> wrote:

> On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:15 PM, Thomas Burdick wrote:
> > * Why is key listing so slow?
> It is slow because, even if the keys are in RAM, you have to scan roughly
> all of the keys in the cluster to get a listing for a single bucket.  As a
> certain person is fond of saying, "full table scan is full table scan".
>  There are ways to improve this, but without single-arbiters of state (and
> points of failure) it is very costly.
> > * What do people do in the context of purely using riak to do what I
> want, have a big set of keys to iterate over?
> As others have said so eloquently, they don't, they use something else. Or
> they try to minimize how frequently they do it.  Part of the current
> revolution in data storage is about realizing that no one tool is going to
> completely fit your needs, and that that's good and right.  Anyone who tells
> you otherwise is selling you a bill of goods.
> To understand why listing keys is difficult, you have to understand Riak's
> (and Dynamo's) original design motivations:
> * To be basically available at all times for reads and writes, which in
> turn means to be tolerant of machine and network failures.
> * To provide low-latency random access to large data sets. (Note I didn't
> say an entire data set.)
> * To scale linearly with minimal operational complexity.
> Everything has tradeoffs - these are the ones we chose with Riak. Now, we
> (Basho) are actively trying to create ways to make discovering your data
> easier (key-filters are one of them, as Justin mentioned we're discussing
> counters and indices), but the majority of people who use Riak have ways of
> discovering or knowing keys ahead of time.  If that's not your case, you
> should look into other solutions; some good ones have been mentioned in this
> thread.  That said, we hear your pain and are working hard to improve
> usability while maintaining the properties discussed above.
> Cheers,
> Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> http://basho.com/
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