On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:15 PM, Thomas Burdick wrote:

> * Why is key listing so slow?

It is slow because, even if the keys are in RAM, you have to scan roughly all 
of the keys in the cluster to get a listing for a single bucket.  As a certain 
person is fond of saying, "full table scan is full table scan".  There are ways 
to improve this, but without single-arbiters of state (and points of failure) 
it is very costly.

> * What do people do in the context of purely using riak to do what I want, 
> have a big set of keys to iterate over?

As others have said so eloquently, they don't, they use something else. Or they 
try to minimize how frequently they do it.  Part of the current revolution in 
data storage is about realizing that no one tool is going to completely fit 
your needs, and that that's good and right.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is 
selling you a bill of goods.  

To understand why listing keys is difficult, you have to understand Riak's (and 
Dynamo's) original design motivations:

* To be basically available at all times for reads and writes, which in turn 
means to be tolerant of machine and network failures.
* To provide low-latency random access to large data sets. (Note I didn't say 
an entire data set.)
* To scale linearly with minimal operational complexity.

Everything has tradeoffs - these are the ones we chose with Riak. Now, we 
(Basho) are actively trying to create ways to make discovering your data easier 
(key-filters are one of them, as Justin mentioned we're discussing counters and 
indices), but the majority of people who use Riak have ways of discovering or 
knowing keys ahead of time.  If that's not your case, you should look into 
other solutions; some good ones have been mentioned in this thread.  That said, 
we hear your pain and are working hard to improve usability while maintaining 
the properties discussed above.


Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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