Can you extrapolate what you mean by appending the keys?  Is that specifying
a bucket as storing multiple values, or is there some other way to model a
list of things with fast read/write times?


On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 10:37:18AM -0500, nx wrote:
> I think you can avoid listing all keys in a bucket by maintaining a
> separate object that contains a list of the current keys. I usually
> append the keys to a "/bucket/_collection" object.
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Sean Cribbs <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, even if additional nodes yield linear performance
> >> gains, the m/r overhead seems very large -- if I'm getting 1.5 seconds
> >> to process 1,000 items on one node, it seems apparent that I should
> >> get roughtly 1.5 seconds to process 3,000 items on 3 nodes, which
> >> still is awfully slow.
> >>
> >> Do you know how Riak compares to HBase, MongoDB or Cassandra for large
> >> dataset processing and analysis with m/r, when talking hundreds of
> >> millions, or even billions of keys? It would seem that key traversal
> >> performance would preventing Riak from competing in that space. Maybe
> >> you could do something with Riak Search, but I'm not sure if it would
> >> comparable.
> >
> > To be fair, you can't do a microbenchmark and then try to extrapolate it to 
> > large datasets; things change at scale. Also, key-listing has been a known 
> > limitation of Riak for a long time, and one we have been quite vocal about. 
> > There have been improvements recently, but it's still an O(N) computation 
> > where N is the total number of keys stored in the cluster. Therefore, it's 
> > important to structure your data such that you limit the use of key lists. 
> > Compare performance after you have done that, and run your benchmark on 
> > something other than a single node (4 or more in a cluster is best), with a 
> > dataset that approximates the target size.
> >
> > Sean Cribbs <>
> > Developer Advocate
> > Basho Technologies, Inc.
> >
> >
> >
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