On 13 January 2011 12:33, Alexander Staubo <li...@purefiction.net> wrote:
> Here's something else that is weird. I repeated the steps above on a
> new, empty bucket, again using just 1,000 items, but after loading 1.5
> million items into a separate, empty bucket. The numbers now are very
> odd:
> * 4.5 seconds to list all keys.
> * 6.5 seconds to list + fetch.
> * 5.1 seconds to run map/reduce query.
> Why are operations on the small bucket suddenly worse in the presence
> of a separate, large bucket? Surely the key spaces are completely
> separate? Even listing keys or querying on an *empty* bucket is taking
> several seconds in this scenario.

Buckets are "virtual" containers for the purpose of setting NRW defaults.

Riak uses the Bucket+Key for hashing.

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