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On Dec 11, 2010, at 16:44, Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com> wrote:
As with all multi-object retrievals, you'll need to use MapReduce.
Make the last phase of your query a "sort" phase. If the result of
your map phase is a JSON object that contains the "timestamp" field,
the reduce phase might look like this:
return values.sort(function(a,b){ return a.timestamp -
b.timestamp; });
Date.parse(a.timestamp) - Date.parse(b.timestamp)
If timestamp is a string value that javascript's Date.parse can parse
into an int. Otherwise standard JavaScript sorts sorts by alpha
ascending and you won't get the date sort you're looking for.
If your key includes the timestamp, you could return the whole
object from the map phase, and sort by the key instead. This will
be even easier if your timestamp is in a reasonable format, e.g.
ISO8601, where lexical and numeric sorting are essentially
equivalent. The function above assumes you're using a numerical
timestamp value, like UNIX epoch time.
Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.
On Dec 11, 2010, at 4:17 PM, Joshua Partogi wrote:
Hi there,
As I have been told, there is no ordered index in riak. So my
question is, how do you guys implement an ordered index or how do
you order a set of data in riak i.e by timestamps?
Thanks for sharing.
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