hey everyone,

i just started off with using riak search.  (i have some basic riak
experience) and i don't know how to use the erlang api for riak to do search

what i've done so far
I have successfully installed the KV hook, put in a json document,
and also used the search-cmd to retrieve something.  for reference i put in
the json


with the command curl -X PUT -H
"Content-Type: application/json" -d @test.json

to retrieve something i by navigating to riah search's bin, then
./search-cmd search json firstname:John

the above works well.
now i'm buildling an aplpication with webmachine / erlang. and i want to be
able to perform searches as well.
the wiki indicates that the Erlang api should support this


looking at riakc_pb_socket.erl, i see there is a search method that has the
signature search(Pid, Bucket, SearchQuery)

so what exactly is SearchQuery, how is it supposed to look like.  So it just
gets passed into a mapred_search?
I'm confused on how this works.  Can someone please provide a simple
example, of how i can search for say firstname:John with the json above?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Carson Li
Liquid Analytics
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