A quick follow up - it seems RabbitMQ now supports 0MQ [1][2] which might be
a good fit with Riak

>From the blog post [1]:
"0MQ is bundled with OpenPGM library which implements a reliable mutlicast
protocol called PGM. The r0mq bridge thus allows to multicast messages from
RabbitMQ broker to the clients (0MQ clients to be precise — AMQP has no
multicast support). This kind of functionality is extremely useful in
scenarios where a lot of identical data is passed to many boxes on the LAN.
If a separate copy of each datum is sent to each subscriber, you can easily
exceed capacity of your network. With multicast, data is sent once only to
all the subscribers thus keeping the bandwidth usage constant even when the
number of subscribers grows."

[1] http://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2010/10/18/rabbitmq0mq-bridge/

On 5 December 2010 17:32, Neville Burnell <neville.burn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does/can Riak use PGM [1] for replicating writes ?
> It seems PGM would be more efficient when the number of physical nodes
> starts to get high.
> Just curious!
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pragmatic_General_Multicast
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