On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, Dan Reverri wrote:

> Note the following from the article:
> "The important thing to understand is that the function defining the reduce 
> phase may be evaluated multiple times, and the input of later evaluations 
> will include the input of earlier evaluations."
> Based on your defined reduce function it looks like you are trying to count 
> the number of objects in the "test" bucket. Rather than return the length of 
> the incoming list it would be better to sum the values of the incoming list 
> using "reduceSum":
> https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/blob/master/priv/mapred_builtins.js#L66

I logged the incoming data and since I'm getting a mixture of objects and sums 
(so far) in the reduce input, I did this to account for both kinds of data 
coming into the function in a single parameter:

  var count=0;
  for(i in v){ 
    if(typeof v[i] === 'object'){ 
      count += 1; 
    } else { 
      count += v[i]; 
  ejsLog('/tmp/mapred.log','r: '+JSON.stringify(v)); 
  return [count]; 

I'm not sure I understand how I can separate the objects from the reduce return 
values using reduceSum. 


> Thanks,
> Dan
> Daniel Reverri
> Developer Advocate
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> d...@basho.com
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:08 AM, Jon Brisbin 
> <jon.bris...@npcinternational.com> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:59 AM, David Smith wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Jon Brisbin
> > <jon.bris...@npcinternational.com> wrote:
> >> I'm working on the Spring Data and Grails Gorm support for Riak and I'm 
> >> seeing some problems running my tests against Riak 0.13. I don't see these 
> >> problems when running 0.12.
> >
> > Can you elaborate on the problems you're seeing, please?
> There's two problems I'm seeing, one is with map/reduce, the other is that 
> the server will crash under the load the tests put on it (I'll send a 
> separate email with steps to reproduce).
> Here's an example of a problem I'm seeing in M/R (from an earlier message):
> I'm seeing some weird behavior with map/reduce in 0.13 versus 0.12 and I'm 
> not sure what's going on here. I'm hanging out in the chat room right now 
> trying to find out, but basically, if I run this test case against 0.13 I get 
> a completely different result than what I get in 0.12:
> http://pastie.org/1320874
> In 0.12, I get [1] in 0.13 I get [2].
> The output I'm logging looks like this for 0.12:
> 11/23/2010 (13:39:47): 
> map={"bucket":"test","key":"test","vclock":"a85hYGBgzGDKBVIsTE+lb2UwJTLmsTLUTEk4xpcFAA==","values":[{"metadata":{"Links":[],"X-Riak-VTag":"5qaBBTXfdEQUyCBTDRRIQ7","content-type":"application/json","X-Riak-Last-Modified":"Tue,
>  23 Nov 2010 19:39:40 
> GMT","X-Riak-Meta":[]},"data":"{\"test\":\"value\",\"integer\":12}\n"}]}
> 11/23/2010 (13:39:47): reduce=[1]
> And this in 0.13:
> 11/23/2010 (13:46:52): 
> map={"bucket":"test","key":"test","vclock":"a85hYGDgzmDKBVIsjDI+7RlMiYx5rAz9ExKO8UGE2ZqTWGZL10AlRCfBJVgYLplNxhQGqmeMbn4EldBEUs/k7LodUxionils9l2oRBGy+cHJ7zGFgeqZk3faQCVOT0aoZzG1PohFmNWr8CxUWGUaijFv+lYiS2QBAA==","values":[{"metadata":{"Links":[],"X-Riak-VTag":"If4qIgutNTerbEmxiKLhR","content-type":"application/json","X-Riak-Last-Modified":"Tue,
>  23 Nov 2010 19:46:44 
> GMT","X-Riak-Meta":[]},"data":"{\"test\":\"value\",\"integer\":12}\n"}]}
> 11/23/2010 (13:46:52): reduce=[]
> 11/23/2010 (13:46:52): reduce=[1,0]
> I tried Homebrew (OS X 10.6) and the OS X download packages of both versions.
> Jon Brisbin
> Portal Webmaster
> NPC International, Inc.
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Jon Brisbin
Portal Webmaster
NPC International, Inc.

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