I'm working on the Spring Data and Grails Gorm support for Riak and I'm seeing 
some problems running my tests against Riak 0.13. I don't see these problems 
when running 0.12.

I've mentioned this before in different venues, but since it's a Monday after a 
holiday, I thought I'd bring it up again in case people had been out or 

I'm a little uncomfortable putting much emphasis behind these two projects if a 
user can't run them against the latest version of the server. I really would 
like someone from basho to help me with this so I can tell the SpringSource 
folks that I'm comfortable with the stability and performance of it and we can 
start putting it out into the wild. I'm hesitant to do that until we can at 
least look at the problems I'm seeing and you can tell me I'm doing it wrong or 
something so we can fix it.

Jon Brisbin
Portal Webmaster
NPC International, Inc.

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