I've got a similar problem:
riak_admin status lists some ring-members, that are no longer available at all. How can I get rid of those listings? the procedure given below does not make any changes. And 'riak-admin leave' does not work in this case, because the nodes are no longer available.

Best regards
Gernot Ullrich
mylugo GmbH
Hi Mark,

The option "default_gossip_seed" is not a Riak option; at least not one I have seen. You are correct that it does not appear in the Riak source code. If this was an option it has been removed.

To form a Riak cluster you must tell a node about another node in the cluster using the "riak-admin join" command. A node only needs to be told about one other node in a cluster; Riak learns about other cluster nodes via gossip.The seeding process would look as follows:
riak start
riak-admin join ot...@node

Currently, removing a node must be done via Erlang. Bug 571 has been filed to request a "remove" command:

Removing a node via Erlang:
1. Attach to a riak node
riak attach
2. Get a local client
{ok, C} = riak:local_client().

3. Remove the node

4 Detach from the node using CTRL+D


Daniel Reverri
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies, Inc.
d...@basho.com <mailto:d...@basho.com>

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Mark Anderson <m...@opscode.com <mailto:m...@opscode.com>> wrote:

    I'm playing around with setting up and tearing down clusters and I had
    a few questions:

    Looking at the chef recipe for riak sets an option in riak_core
    'default_gossip_seed'; apparently this is intended to cue a newly spun
    up node where to look to join the cluster. But for the life of me I
    can't get it to work, and I can't find any mention of it in the
    What's the recommended way to seed a freshly spun up node with a
    seed machine?

    I'm also trying to figure out how to evict a node from the ring. If
    you have access to the machine, you can do 'riak-admin leave' but what
    can you do if you don't? I'm imagining a usage pattern where you are
    running a bunch of vhosted machines. One dies, and you spin up a new
    machine, with a new node name to replace it. How do you get that old
    machine out of the ring?

    The natural way to name nodes in ec2 is to do something like
    r...@ec2_internal_ip. But once an instance is terminated, there is no
    way to get that ip back. I suspect I'm doing things wrong here, so
    suggestions for better configuration patterns are very welcome.

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    riak-users@lists.basho.com <mailto:riak-users@lists.basho.com>

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Dr. Gernot Ullrich | Softwarearchitekt | mylugo GmbH |
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Mail: gernot.ullr...@mylugo.de
Web: www.mylugo.de
Handelsregistereintrag: Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 104 354

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