Morning, Afternoon, Evening to all,

We have a lengthy Recap coming off a holiday weekend here in the
States: Conference announcements, slides, new code, and plentiful



Community Manager
Basho Technologies


Riak Recap for 9/3 - 9/6

1) Not sure why I never got around to posting these slides until
now... John D. Rowell put together an extensive slide deck on various
NoSQL Technologies. The best part: these are in Portuguese!

Those pertaining to Riak start here --->

Graças, John.

2) We added a Links and Link Walking section to the Riak Fast Track.

Blog overview here --->

Actual tutorial on the Fast Track here --->

3) Basho hacker Dave Smith (@dizzyd) will be speaking at the ACM
SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop taking place Sept. 30th in Baltimore, MD. The
title of his talk is "Concurrent Life, the Universe, and Everything
Rebar." If you're within 1000 miles of Maryland, buy at plane ticket
for this one. You won't be disappointed.

More info here --->

4) I may have mentioned this before, but Andy Gross, Basho's VP of
Engineering, is going to be talking about Riak and Riak Core at JAOO
in Aarhus, Denmark, Oct 4-6.

Details here --->

5) I added Brian Kaney's new Ruby Library "Ripple-anaf" to the
Community Code page on the wiki.

Link is here --->

6) For anyone interested in using Riak with Perl, Franck Cuny's
Net-Riak Driver just got bumped to 0.08 (with the help of Gavin Carr
it looks like).

Latest code and changes here --->

7) mheld, seancribbs, frostbytten and bingledac had a quick convo in
#riak about production setups, calculating RAM requirements, and more.

Gist here --->

8) _jac, benblack, and siculars had a conversation in #riak that
started with, "If you want to grab the last 50 items inserted into a
million-item bucket, do you use the bucket as your starting value,
sort the values by date and take the last 50 in reduce functions?

Gist here --->

9) acts_as made a comment about a new protobuff lib he is working on
that I thought deserved its own Gist.

Read it here --->

10) acts_as and jmeredith had a brief chat about several aspects of
the Protocol Buffers API.

Gist here --->

11)  Q --- So when using  HA Proxy, nginx, etc., how does it work in
practise when a node dies or you want to add new nodes? You then need
to reconfigure your reverse proxy?

       A --- As a rule for load balancers you define a health check
for each node, and it only sends requests to ones that pass. In Riak's
case you can request http://blah:8098/ping and it'll respond OK.

12)  Q --- Has someone used the keys=stream feature with Riak REST?
I'm trying to get data by requesting /riak/test?keys=stream, but
response is {props} only, without keys. In console everything is fine
and keys are transferred. I think this is a Firefox bug or... feature
:D I try to send a request with another browser (Chrome and Opera) and
everything is fine. I have 1400 keys in the test bucket and Firefox
cut the response, but Chrome and Opera don't. (from WT_ via #riak).

      A --- This is a known issue. It pertains to:

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