I've been rewriting a small app of ours to run on Riak instead of MongoDB and
I've run into a bug or weird behavior. To show this off I created a very simple
Rails 3 app where this happens. It can be found here:
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong but the app has two models, Client and
A Client has one Address and an Address has one Client. I've created a form to
just add
addresses at /addresses/new and one for clients at /clients/new. There is only
a single text
field in /addresses/new - just add a few of them. Then go to /clients/new where
you can enter
a name for the client and select an address in a select box. Hit Save, then you
get something like this:
Invalid value "R2HQfdNWBz4TtxbYgZBLKIriTwl" for association address of type
Address on <Client:Blahaha created_at=2010-09-07 16:17:02 +0200 updated_at=nil
This is the same type of error I get in the larger app I'm working on and I
can't figure out whats
wrong (me or Ripple I guess)...
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