Morning, Afternoon, Evening to all This Recap is awesome. We have blogs (with code examples!), Bitcask improvements, tweets, podcasts, Gists, and much more.
Enjoy your weekend - Mark Community Manager Basho Technologies ----- Riak Recap for 8/4 - 8/5 1) Basho hacker Dave Smith (@dizzyco) announced yesterday that Bitcask now requires ~40% less overhead for key storage. This is a huge deal and should be good news for anyone who was pondering whether or not the memory requirements of bitcask were too high for their Riak application. Code here ---> Original Tweet here ---> Also, on a non-riak related note, Dave just announced some other awesome news!! ---> 2) @jebui continues to post great information about what they are doing with Riak at This one is called "Link-Map-Reduce in Riak an example from" Read it. Post here ---> 3) @soini posted this great tweet ---> Tell you what, Jon: I'll donate some nickels in exchange for you sharing some details with the list on what your Riak cluster is up to. What do you say? 4) Sean Cribbs delivered another great Webinar yesterday. This one was called "Riak with Rails." If you missed it, we forgive you, but don't let it happen again! Here is what you missed:: Blog post recap ---> Video Recording ---> 5) Basho CEO Earl Gallaher (@bashoT) spoke with Mass High Tech about Basho, Riak, and venture capital. Read this ---> 6) @argv0 and I were on FLOSS Weekly to talk about Riak. The show was recorded on Wednesday and it looks like made it onto the net this morning. Listen (or watch) here ---> 7) Q --- Our database grew up to 23 gigabytes but then dropped to 11 in several minutes. We run bitcask storage. Was it some kind of repairing? (from demmonoid via #riak) A --- Yes, disk space will only be reclaimed periodically when using bitcask, at "merge" times. As it is append-only, deletes and old values that have been overwritten don't leave disk until then. 8) drev1 and pjstadig had a great convo in #riak about the if-matches header in the REST API and whether or not they could be used to atomically update a value in Riak. Gist here ---> 9) Q --- How would one upgrade a much older version of riak (0.8 running DTS/filesystem backend) to TIP with bitcask. Should I just wipe and go or is there a way to transverse backends? (from frostbytten via #riak) A --- The short answer is upgrade the 0.8, add new nodes to the cluster configured to use bitcask, and force a leave on the DTS nodes. You could also do a backup and restore. This method would be slower, but perhaps less tedious. 10) Oh, and I almost forgot, we now have a Riak Page on Facebook. Go check it out! Page here ---> _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list