Afternoon, Evening, Morning to all, We have an awesome Recap for today: Blog posts, a node.js client, interviews, Gists, and some great questions from #riak.
Enjoy - Mark Community Manager Basho Technologies ----- Riak Recap for 8/2 - 8/3 1) Dzone put up a short piece talking about Kevin Smith's "Introduction to Rick Core" blog post. Post here ---> 2) Bruno Michel, who has written some great stuff about Riak releases in the past, put out a short piece for called, "Petites brèves : NoSQL : Neo4J, Riak, Kyoto Cabinet et Graylog2." Merci, Bruno! Post here --> 3) technoweenie has been dropping some hints over the last few days in #riak that that his PB client for Node.js was almost ready for public consumption. Yesterday, in the early morning hours, he delivered it (with an accompanying blog). Thanks, Rick! Post here ---> 4) @jebui has been doing some great stuff with Riak. In addition to contributing patches, he's also using it in production at And now we have some details how he is using it. This is an awesome post! Thanks for sharing, Jebu! Read this ---> 5) Basho CTO and Riak hacker Justin Sheehy sat down with Sadek Drobi when he was at Erlang Factory some months ago to do an interview for InfoQ. It's a great interview, so if you like Riak, NoSQL, and Open source, check it out. Interview here ---> 6) seancribbs and vicmargar had a chat in #riak that started with, "what is the recommended way to connect to riak from erlang? " Gist here ---> 7) Q --- When you have a cluster, should your client have a list of host names and ports so it doesnt constantly hit the same node? (from technoweenie via #riak) A --- Having a list of available Riak nodes in your client is a viable option to distribute, but using a TCP loadbalancer with a "least connected" option is more robust. 8) Q --- I am trying to write some erlang for postcommit indexing. I compiled and added the module and function to the running riak, added the module/function to the bucket properties and then ran some test queries. however, when I run it I get this error: ** Reason for termination = ** {{case_clause,{struct,[{<<"mod">>,<<"post_commit_index">>}, <<"fun">>,<<"index_value">>}]}}, [{riak_kv_put_fsm,invoke_hook,3}, {riak_kv_put_fsm,waiting_vnode_dw,2}, {gen_fsm,handle_msg,7}, {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]} I'm not sure where else too look for further indications of what is wrong, anyone on that can assist a newb? A --- It looks like you defined mod, fun instead of a list of mod, funs. If you change the bucket property postcommit to a list of mod,fun objects rather than setting it to a object, you should be good to go. 9) Q --- How can I watch a riak error log? (from technoweenie via #riak) A --- "riak console" is one option. You can also tail /log/erlang.log.# 10) siculars, justinsheehy and seancribbs kicked around some ideas in #riak around how bitcask might be used to list keys more-efficiently. Gist here ---> _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list