Hi Ryan

I'm running the cluster on 4 physical servers with many cores each so CPU is 
not a limitation. Regarding the storage, we use Sun Openstorage which essential 
means, that we are writing to a flashdisk. Besides, I tried to use memorybased 
filesystem for storage with non significant changes in performance (50% better 
or so), so I doubt, that IO is my challenge. 

But I have noted the ZFS tuning recommendations - that will come in handy when 
we go in larger roll out.

But - David Dawson pointed me in the right direction - my simple converter 
script did a "fetch record, write record, repeat" lifecycle and the bare 
roundtrip time was a killer.

I have not extended my little script to become multithreaded (each write to the 
cluster happens in a dedicated thread) and that very simple enhancement now 
gave me more then 200 writes/sec, so I believe that the bottleneck is in my 
script and not the RIAK cluster right now.

I have run out of time for today, but I will continue my experiments tomorrow 
and finetune my script more (read: make it more parallel and perhaps distribute 
it to more hosts).

Best regards,

On May 10, 2010, at 23:46 , Ryan Tilder wrote:

> A couple of quick questions for you Karsten that should help us get an idea 
> of what kind of issues you might be having.
> How many physical hosts are you running the four OpenSolaris virtuals on?  If 
> they're all running on the same host and you don't have a pretty substantial 
> RAID array backing their local storage, you're just going to get I/O 
> contention between the virtuals, slowing down writes.
> There are some ZFS tuning parameters we've found that can improve write 
> throughput.  Since you're using dets there's one in particular that will be 
> helpful.  You can run this command as root on each OpenSolaris virtual:
> zfs atime=off <pool>
> The fact that you can essentially double your performance by running another 
> client in parallel does make me wonder whether or not it might be a mild 
> performance issue with your invocation of the ripple client.  Do you see a 
> linear increase in write performance as you increase the number of parallel 
> writers?
> --Ryan
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 8:36 AM, Karsten Thygesen <kar...@netic.dk> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm doing a small proof-of-concept and the goal is to store about 250.000.000 
> records in a Riak cluster. Today, we have the data in MySQL, but we strive 
> for better performance and we might even expect up to 5 times as mush data 
> during the next couple of years. The data is denormalized and "document" like 
> so they are an easy match for NoSQL paradigm. 
> For the small POC, I have built a 4 node cluster with 4 dedicated virtual 
> servers running Opensolaris on top of VMWare but with quite fast storage 
> below. In fron of the cluster I have a loadbalancer which will distribute 
> reuests evenly among the nodes.
> Each node is running riak-0.10 with almost deafult configuration. I have 
> added "-smp enabled" to vm.args and each node is otherwise using default 
> configuration (except for name of cause). This also implies N=2 and dest for 
> storage backend.
> I have written a small ruby script which uses riak-client from Ripple (latest 
> version) as well as curd for http connections and it quite simple takes each 
> record from the database and stores is in riak. Each record is around 
> 500-1000 bytes large and entirely structured text/data. I store them as JSON 
> objects.
> The script can easily read more than 15.000 records/second, process them and 
> print them to the screen, so I doubt the script is the bottleneck.
> When I try to write them to the riak cluster via the loadbalancer, I can only 
> write around 50-60 records/second and while writing, the beam process is only 
> using  around 10% cpu and no major IO activity is going on.
> I have tried to move the data directory to /tmp (memory filesystem) and with 
> this setup, I can get around 90 write/sec (yes - only for testing - I can not 
> live with memoryfilesystem in production with this dataset).
> I have also noticed, that the performance I get is almost equivalent nomatter 
> if I write through the loadbalancer or I just select a node and sends all my 
> writes to that one. 
> I have also tried a "multithreaded" approach where I simply run two of my 
> datamover scripts in parallel, and that way, I can get around 110 
> writes/second.
> With the current performance, it will take me more than a month to move my 
> data from mysql to Riak, so I need a multitude of better performance.
> Do you have any suggestions for how to get better performance? I was hoping 
> for towards 1000 writes/second so feel free to speculate - perhaps I should 
> just add quite a bunch of more servers?
> Best regards,
> Karsten
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