MaxGekk commented on code in PR #49658:

@@ -199,16 +279,97 @@ class ExpressionResolver(
    * from the [[Resolver]] during [[Project]] resolution.
    * The output sequence can be larger than the input sequence due to 
[[UnresolvedStar]] expansion.
+   *
+   * @returns The list of resolved expressions along with flags indicating 
whether the resolved

Review Comment:
      * @return The list of resolved expressions along with flags indicating 
whether the resolved

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.resolver
+ * The [[ExpressionResolutionContext]] is a state that is propagated between 
the nodes of the
+ * expression tree during the bottom-up expression resolution process. This 
way we pass the results
+ * of [[ExpressionResolver.resolve]] call, which are not the resolved child 
itself, from children
+ * to parents.
+ *
+ * @hasAggregateExpressionsInASubtree A flag that highlights that a specific 
node corresponding to
+ *                                    [[ExpressionResolutionContext]] has 
aggregate expressions in
+ *                                    its subtree.
+ * @hasAttributeInASubtree A flag that highlights that a specific node 
corresponding to
+ *                         [[ExpressionResolutionContext]] has attributes in 
its subtree.
+ * @hasLateralColumnAlias A flag that highlights that a specific node 
corresponding to

Review Comment:
    * @param hasLateralColumnAlias A flag that highlights that a specific node 
corresponding to

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.resolver
+ * The [[ExpressionResolutionContext]] is a state that is propagated between 
the nodes of the
+ * expression tree during the bottom-up expression resolution process. This 
way we pass the results
+ * of [[ExpressionResolver.resolve]] call, which are not the resolved child 
itself, from children
+ * to parents.
+ *
+ * @hasAggregateExpressionsInASubtree A flag that highlights that a specific 
node corresponding to
+ *                                    [[ExpressionResolutionContext]] has 
aggregate expressions in
+ *                                    its subtree.
+ * @hasAttributeInASubtree A flag that highlights that a specific node 
corresponding to

Review Comment:
    * @param hasAttributeInASubtree A flag that highlights that a specific node 
corresponding to

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.resolver
+ * The [[ExpressionResolutionContext]] is a state that is propagated between 
the nodes of the
+ * expression tree during the bottom-up expression resolution process. This 
way we pass the results
+ * of [[ExpressionResolver.resolve]] call, which are not the resolved child 
itself, from children
+ * to parents.
+ *
+ * @hasAggregateExpressionsInASubtree A flag that highlights that a specific 
node corresponding to

Review Comment:
    * @param hasAggregateExpressionsInASubtree A flag that highlights that a 
specific node corresponding to

@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.resolver
+import java.util.{ArrayDeque, HashMap, HashSet}
+import org.apache.spark.SparkException
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{
+  Alias,
+  Attribute,
+  AttributeReference,
+  ExprId,
+  NamedExpression
+import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryCompilationErrors
+ * [[ExpressionIdAssigner]] is used by the [[ExpressionResolver]] to assign 
unique expression IDs to
+ * [[NamedExpression]]s ([[AttributeReference]]s and [[Alias]]es). This is 
necessary to ensure
+ * that Optimizer performs its work correctly and does not produce correctness 
+ *
+ * The framework works the following way:
+ *  - Each leaf operator must have unique output IDs (even if it's the same 
table, view, or CTE).
+ *  - The [[AttributeReference]]s get propagated "upwards" through the 
operator tree with their IDs
+ *    preserved.
+ *  - Each [[Alias]] gets assigned a new unique ID and it sticks with it after 
it gets converted to
+ *    an [[AttributeReference]] when it is outputted from the operator that 
produced it.
+ *  - Any operator may have [[AttributeReference]]s with the same IDs in its 
output given it is the
+ *    same attribute.
+ * Thus, **no multi-child operator may have children with conflicting 
[[AttributeReference]] IDs**.
+ * In other words, two subtrees must not output the [[AttributeReference]]s 
with the same IDs, since
+ * relations, views and CTEs all output unique attributes, and [[Alias]]es get 
assigned new IDs as
+ * well. [[ExpressionIdAssigner.assertOutputsHaveNoConflictingExpressionIds]] 
is used to assert this
+ * invariant.
+ *
+ * For SQL queries, this framework provides correctness just by reallocating 
relation outputs and
+ * by validating the invariants mentioned above. Reallocation is done in
+ * [[Resolver.handleLeafOperator]]. If all the relations (even if it's the 
same table) have unique
+ * output IDs, the expression ID assignment will be correct, because there are 
no duplicate IDs in
+ * a pure unresolved tree. The old ID -> new ID mapping is not needed in this 
+ * For example, consider this query:
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * SELECT * FROM t AS t1 CROSS JOIN t AS t2 ON t1.col1 = t2.col1
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * The analyzed plan should be:
+ * {{{
+ * Project [col1#0, col2#1, col1#2, col2#3]
+ * +- Join Cross, (col1#0 = col1#2)
+ *    :- SubqueryAlias t1
+ *    :   +- Relation t[col1#0,col2#1] parquet
+ *    +- SubqueryAlias t2
+ *        +- Relation t[col1#2,col2#3] parquet
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * and not:
+ * {{{
+ * Project [col1#0, col2#1, col1#0, col2#1]
+ * +- Join Cross, (col1#0 = col1#0)
+ *    :- SubqueryAlias t1
+ *    :   +- Relation t[col1#0,col2#1] parquet
+ *    +- SubqueryAlias t2
+ *        +- Relation t[col1#0,col2#1] parquet
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Because in the latter case the join condition is always true.
+ *
+ * For DataFrame programs we need the full power of [[ExpressionIdAssigner]], 
and old ID -> new ID
+ * mapping comes in handy, because DataFrame programs pass _partially_ 
resolved plans to the
+ * [[Resolver]], which may consist of duplicate subtrees, and thus will have 
already assigned
+ * expression IDs. These already resolved dupliciate subtrees with assigned 
IDs will conflict.
+ * Hence, we need to reallocate all the leaf node outputs _and_ remap old IDs 
to the new ones.
+ * Also, DataFrame programs may introduce the same [[Alias]]es in different 
parts of the query plan,
+ * so we just reallocate all the [[Alias]]es.
+ *
+ * For example, consider this DataFrame program:
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * spark.range(0, 10).select($"id").write.format("parquet").saveAsTable("t")
+ * val alias = ($"id" + 1).as("id")
+ * spark.table("t").select(alias).select(alias)
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * The analyzed plan should be:
+ * {{{
+ * Project [(id#6L + cast(1 as bigint)) AS id#13L]
+ * +- Project [(id#4L + cast(1 as bigint)) AS id#6L]
+ *    +- SubqueryAlias spark_catalog.default.t
+ *       +- Relation spark_catalog.default.t[id#4L] parquet
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * and not:
+ * {{{
+ * Project [(id#6L + cast(1 as bigint)) AS id#6L]
+ * +- Project [(id#4L + cast(1 as bigint)) AS id#6L]
+ *    +- SubqueryAlias spark_catalog.default.t
+ *       +- Relation spark_catalog.default.t[id#4L] parquet
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Because the latter case will confuse the Optimizer and the top [[Project]] 
will be eliminated
+ * leading to incorrect result.
+ *
+ * There's an important caveat here: the leftmost branch of a logical plan 
tree. In this branch we
+ * need to preserve the expression IDs wherever possible because DataFrames 
may reference each other
+ * using their attributes. This also makes sense for performance reasons.
+ *
+ * Consider this example:
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * val df1 = spark.range(0, 10).select($"id")
+ * val df2 = spark.range(5, 15).select($"id")
+ * df1.union(df2).filter(df1("id") === 5)
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * In this example `df("id")` references lower `id` attribute by expression 
ID, so `union` must not
+ * reassign expression IDs in `df1` (left child). Referencing `df2` (right 
child) is not supported
+ * in Spark.
+ *
+ * The [[ExpressionIdAssigner]] covers both SQL and DataFrame scenarios with 
single approach and is
+ * integrated in the single-pass analysis framework.
+ *
+ * The [[ExpressionIdAssigner]] is used in the following way:
+ *  - When the [[Resolver]] traverses the tree downwards prior to starting 
bottom-up analysis,
+ *    we build the [[mappingStack]] by calling [[withNewMapping]] (i.e. 
+ *    for every child of a multi-child operator, so we have a separate stack 
entry (separate
+ *    mapping) for each branch. This way sibling branches' mappings are 
isolated from each other and
+ *    attribute IDs are reused only within the same branch. Initially we push 
`None`, because
+ *    the mapping needs to be initialized later with the correct output of a 
resolved operator.
+ *  - When the bottom-up analysis starts, we assign IDs to all the 
[[NamedExpression]]s which are
+ *    present in operators starting from the [[LeafNode]]s using 
+ *    [[createMapping]] is called right after each [[LeafNode]] is resolved, 
and first remapped
+ *    attributes come from that [[LeafNode]]. This is done in 
[[Resolver.handleLeafOperator]] for
+ *    each logical plan tree branch except the leftmost.
+ *  - Once the child branch is resolved, [[withNewMapping]] ends by calling 
+ *  - After the multi-child operator is resolved, we call [[createMapping]] to
+ *    initialize the mapping with attributes _chosen_ (e.g. 
[[Union.mergeChildOutputs]]) by that
+ *    operator's resolution algorithm and remap _old_ expression IDs to those 
chosen attributes.
+ *  - Continue remapping expressions until we reach the root of the operator 
+ */
+class ExpressionIdAssigner {
+  private val mappingStack = new ExpressionIdAssigner.Stack
+  mappingStack.push(ExpressionIdAssigner.StackEntry(isLeftmostBranch = true))
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the current logical plan branch is the leftmost branch. 
This is important
+   * in the context of preserving expression IDs in DataFrames. See class doc 
for more details.
+   */
+  def isLeftmostBranch: Boolean = mappingStack.peek().isLeftmostBranch
+  /**
+   * A RAII-wrapper for [[mappingStack.push]] and [[mappingStack.pop]]. 
[[Resolver]] uses this for
+   * every child of a multi-child operator to ensure that each operator branch 
uses an isolated
+   * expression ID mapping.
+   *
+   * @param isLeftmostChild whether the current child is the leftmost child of 
the operator that is
+   *   being resolved. This is used to determine whether the new stack entry 
is gonna be in the
+   *   leftmost logical plan branch. It's `false` by default, because it's 
safer to remap attributes
+   *   than to leave duplicates (to prevent correctness issues).
+   */
+  def withNewMapping[R](isLeftmostChild: Boolean = false)(body: => R): R = {
+    mappingStack.push(
+      ExpressionIdAssigner.StackEntry(
+        isLeftmostBranch = isLeftmostChild && isLeftmostBranch
+      )
+    )
+    try {
+      body
+    } finally {
+      mappingStack.pop()
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create mapping with the given `newOutput` that rewrites the `oldOutput`. 
+   * is used by the [[Resolver]] after the multi-child operator is resolved to 
fill the current
+   * mapping with the attributes _chosen_ by that operator's resolution 
algorithm and remap _old_
+   * expression IDs to those chosen attributes. It's also used by the 
[[ExpressionResolver]] right
+   * before remapping the attributes of a [[LeafNode]].
+   *
+   * `oldOutput` is present for already resolved subtrees (e.g. DataFrames), 
but for SQL queries
+   * is will be `None`, because that logical plan is analyzed for the first 
+   */
+  def createMapping(
+      newOutput: Seq[Attribute] = Seq.empty,
+      oldOutput: Option[Seq[Attribute]] = None): Unit = {
+    if (mappingStack.peek().mapping.isDefined) {
+      throw SparkException.internalError(
+        s"Attempt to overwrite existing mapping. New output: $newOutput, old 
output: $oldOutput"
+      )
+    }
+    val newMapping = new ExpressionIdAssigner.Mapping
+    oldOutput match {
+      case Some(oldOutput) =>
+        if (newOutput.length != oldOutput.length) {
+          throw SparkException.internalError(
+            s"Outputs have different lengths. New output: $newOutput, old 
output: $oldOutput"
+          )
+        }
+ {
+          case (newAttribute, oldAttribute) =>
+            newMapping.put(oldAttribute.exprId, newAttribute.exprId)
+            newMapping.put(newAttribute.exprId, newAttribute.exprId)
+        }
+      case None =>
+        newOutput.foreach { newAttribute =>
+          newMapping.put(newAttribute.exprId, newAttribute.exprId)
+        }
+    }
+    mappingStack.push(mappingStack.pop().copy(mapping = Some(newMapping)))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Assign a correct ID to the given [[originalExpression]] and return a new 
instance of that
+   * expression, or return a corresponding new instance of the same attribute, 
that was previously
+   * reallocated and is present in the current [[mappingStack]] entry.
+   *
+   * For [[Alias]]es: Try to preserve them if we are in the leftmost logical 
plan tree branch and
+   * unless they conflict. Conflicting [[Alias]] IDs are never acceptable. 
Otherwise, reallocate
+   * with a new ID and return that instance.
+   *
+   * For [[AttributeReference]]s: If the attribute is present in the current 
[[mappingStack]] entry,
+   * return that instance, otherwise reallocate with a new ID and return that 
instance. The mapping
+   * is done both from the original expression ID _and_ from the new 
expression ID - this way we are
+   * able to replace old references to that attribute in the current operator 
branch, and preserve
+   * already reallocated attributes to make this call idempotent.
+   *
+   * When remapping the provided expressions, we don't replace them with the 
previously seen
+   * attributes, but replace their IDs ([[NamedExpression.withExprId]]). This 
is done to preserve
+   * the properties of attributes at a certain point in the query plan. 
Examples where it's
+   * important:
+   *
+   * 1) Preserve the name case. In Spark the "requested" name takes precedence 
over the "original"
+   * name:
+   *
+   * {{{
+   * -- The output schema is [col1, COL1]
+   * SELECT col1, COL1 FROM VALUES (1);
+   * }}}
+   *
+   * 2) Preserve the metadata:
+   *
+   * {{{
+   * // Metadata "m1" remains, "m2" gets overwritten by the specified schema, 
"m3" is newly added.
+   * val metadata1 = new MetadataBuilder().putString("m1", 
"1").putString("m2", "2").build()
+   * val metadata2 = new MetadataBuilder().putString("m2", 
"3").putString("m3", "4").build()
+   * val schema = new StructType().add("a", IntegerType, nullable = true, 
metadata = metadata2)
+   * val df =
+   *   spark.sql("SELECT col1 FROM VALUES (1)").select(col("col1").as("a", 
+   * }}}
+   */
+  def mapExpression(originalExpression: NamedExpression): NamedExpression = {
+    if (!mappingStack.peek().mapping.isDefined) {

Review Comment:
       if (mappingStack.peek().mapping.isEmpty) {

@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.resolver
+import java.util.{ArrayDeque, ArrayList}
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.CTERelationDef
+ * The [[CteScope]] is responsible for keeping track of visible and known CTE 
definitions at a given
+ * stage of a SQL query/DataFrame program resolution. These scopes are stacked 
and the stack is
+ * managed by the [[CteRegistry]]. The scope is created per single WITH clause.
+ *
+ * The CTE operators are:
+ *  - [[UnresolvedWith]]. This is a `host` operator that contains a list of 
unresolved CTE
+ *    definitions from the WITH clause and a single child operator, which is 
the actual unresolved
+ *    SELECT query.
+ *  - [[UnresolvedRelation]]. This is a generic unresolved relation operator 
that will sometimes
+ *    be resolved to a CTE definition and later replaced with a 
[[CTERelationRef]]. The CTE takes
+ *    precedence over a regular table or a view when resolving this identifier.
+ *  - [[CTERelationDef]]. This is a reusable logical plan, which will later be 
referenced by the
+ *    lower CTE definitions and [[UnresolvedWith]] child.
+ *  - [[CTERelationRef]]. This is a leaf node similar to a relation operator 
that references a
+ *    certain [[CTERelationDef]] by its ID. It has a name (unique locally for 
a WITH clause list)
+ *    and an ID (unique for all the CTEs in a query).
+ *  - [[WithCTE]]. This is a `host` operator that contains a list of resolved 
CTE definitions from
+ *    the WITH clause and a single child operator, which is the actual 
resolved SELECT query.
+ *
+ * The task of the [[Resolver]] is to correctly place [[WithCTE]] with 
[[CTERelationDef]]s inside
+ * and make sure that [[CTERelationRef]]s correctly reference 
[[CTERelationDef]]s with their IDs.
+ * The decision whether to inline those CTE subtrees or not is made by the 
[[Optimizer]], unlike
+ * what Spark does for the [[View]]s (always inline during the analysis).
+ *
+ * There are some caveats in how Spark places those operators and resolves 
their names:
+ *  - Ambiguous CTE definition names are disallowed only within a single WITH 
clause, and this is
+ *    validated by the Parser in [[AstBuilder]]
+ *    using [[QueryParsingErrors.duplicateCteDefinitionNamesError]]:
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    -- This is disallowed.
+ *    WITH cte AS (SELECT 1),
+ *    cte AS (SELECT 2)
+ *    SELECT * FROM cte;
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *  - When [[UnresolvedRelation]] identifier is resolved to a 
[[CTERelationDef]] and there is a
+ *    name conflict on several layers of CTE definitions, the lower 
definitions take precedence:
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    -- The result is `3`, lower [[CTERelationDef]] takes precedence.
+ *    WITH cte AS (
+ *      SELECT 1
+ *    )
+ *    SELECT * FROM (
+ *      WITH cte AS (
+ *        SELECT 2
+ *      )
+ *      SELECT * FROM (
+ *        WITH cte AS (
+ *          SELECT 3
+ *        )
+ *        SELECT * FROM cte
+ *      )
+ *    )
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *  - Any subquery can contain [[UnresolvedWith]] on top of it, but 
[[WithCTE]] is not gonna be
+ *    1 to 1 to its unresolved counterpart. For example, if we are dealing 
with simple subqueries,
+ *    [[CTERelationDef]]s will be merged together under a single [[WithCTE]]. 
The previous example
+ *    would produce the following resolved plan:
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    WithCTE
+ *    :- CTERelationDef 18, false
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    :- CTERelationDef 19, false
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    :- CTERelationDef 20, false
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    +- Project [3#1203]
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *  - However, if we have any expression subquery (scalar/IN/EXISTS...), the 
+ *    [[CTERelationDef]]s and subquery's [[CTERelationDef]] won't be merged 
together (as they are
+ *    separated by an expression tree):
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    WITH cte AS (
+ *      SELECT 1 AS col1
+ *    )
+ *    SELECT * FROM cte WHERE col1 IN (
+ *      WITH cte AS (
+ *        SELECT 2
+ *      )
+ *      SELECT * FROM cte
+ *    )
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *    ->
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    WithCTE
+ *    :- CTERelationDef 21, false
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    +- Project [col1#1223]
+ *       +- Filter col1#1223 IN (list#1222 [])
+ *          :  +- WithCTE
+ *          :     :- CTERelationDef 22, false
+ *          :     :  +- ...
+ *          :     +- Project [2#1241]
+ *          :        +- ...
+ *          +- ...
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *  - Upper CTEs are visible through subqueries and can be referenced by lower 
operators, but not
+ *    through the [[View]] boyndary:

Review Comment:
    *    through the [[View]] boundary:

@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.resolver
+import java.util.{ArrayDeque, HashMap, HashSet}
+import org.apache.spark.SparkException
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{
+  Alias,
+  Attribute,
+  AttributeReference,
+  ExprId,
+  NamedExpression
+import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryCompilationErrors
+ * [[ExpressionIdAssigner]] is used by the [[ExpressionResolver]] to assign 
unique expression IDs to
+ * [[NamedExpression]]s ([[AttributeReference]]s and [[Alias]]es). This is 
necessary to ensure
+ * that Optimizer performs its work correctly and does not produce correctness 
+ *
+ * The framework works the following way:
+ *  - Each leaf operator must have unique output IDs (even if it's the same 
table, view, or CTE).
+ *  - The [[AttributeReference]]s get propagated "upwards" through the 
operator tree with their IDs
+ *    preserved.
+ *  - Each [[Alias]] gets assigned a new unique ID and it sticks with it after 
it gets converted to
+ *    an [[AttributeReference]] when it is outputted from the operator that 
produced it.
+ *  - Any operator may have [[AttributeReference]]s with the same IDs in its 
output given it is the
+ *    same attribute.
+ * Thus, **no multi-child operator may have children with conflicting 
[[AttributeReference]] IDs**.
+ * In other words, two subtrees must not output the [[AttributeReference]]s 
with the same IDs, since
+ * relations, views and CTEs all output unique attributes, and [[Alias]]es get 
assigned new IDs as
+ * well. [[ExpressionIdAssigner.assertOutputsHaveNoConflictingExpressionIds]] 
is used to assert this
+ * invariant.
+ *
+ * For SQL queries, this framework provides correctness just by reallocating 
relation outputs and
+ * by validating the invariants mentioned above. Reallocation is done in
+ * [[Resolver.handleLeafOperator]]. If all the relations (even if it's the 
same table) have unique
+ * output IDs, the expression ID assignment will be correct, because there are 
no duplicate IDs in
+ * a pure unresolved tree. The old ID -> new ID mapping is not needed in this 
+ * For example, consider this query:
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * SELECT * FROM t AS t1 CROSS JOIN t AS t2 ON t1.col1 = t2.col1
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * The analyzed plan should be:
+ * {{{
+ * Project [col1#0, col2#1, col1#2, col2#3]
+ * +- Join Cross, (col1#0 = col1#2)
+ *    :- SubqueryAlias t1
+ *    :   +- Relation t[col1#0,col2#1] parquet
+ *    +- SubqueryAlias t2
+ *        +- Relation t[col1#2,col2#3] parquet
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * and not:
+ * {{{
+ * Project [col1#0, col2#1, col1#0, col2#1]
+ * +- Join Cross, (col1#0 = col1#0)
+ *    :- SubqueryAlias t1
+ *    :   +- Relation t[col1#0,col2#1] parquet
+ *    +- SubqueryAlias t2
+ *        +- Relation t[col1#0,col2#1] parquet
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Because in the latter case the join condition is always true.
+ *
+ * For DataFrame programs we need the full power of [[ExpressionIdAssigner]], 
and old ID -> new ID
+ * mapping comes in handy, because DataFrame programs pass _partially_ 
resolved plans to the
+ * [[Resolver]], which may consist of duplicate subtrees, and thus will have 
already assigned
+ * expression IDs. These already resolved dupliciate subtrees with assigned 
IDs will conflict.

Review Comment:
    * expression IDs. These already resolved duplicate subtrees with assigned 
IDs will conflict.

@@ -32,19 +33,28 @@ class BridgedRelationMetadataProvider(
     override val relationResolution: RelationResolution,
     analyzerBridgeState: AnalyzerBridgeState
 ) extends RelationMetadataProvider {
-  override val relationsWithResolvedMetadata = 
+  override val relationsWithResolvedMetadata = new 
+  updateRelationsWithResolvedMetadata()
-  private def getRelationsFromBridgeState(
-      analyzerBridgeState: AnalyzerBridgeState): RelationsWithResolvedMetadata 
= {
-    val result = new RelationsWithResolvedMetadata
+  /**
+   * We update relations on each [[resolve]] call, because relation IDs might 
have changed.
+   * This can happen for the nested views, since catalog name may differ, and 
expanded table name
+   * will differ for the same [[UnresolvedRelation]].
+   *
+   * See [[ViewResolver.resolve]] for more info on how SQL configs are 
propagated to nested views).
+   */
+  override def resolve(unresolvedPlan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
+    updateRelationsWithResolvedMetadata()
+  }
+  private def updateRelationsWithResolvedMetadata(): Unit = {
       (unresolvedRelation, relationWithResolvedMetadata) => {
-        result.put(
+        relationsWithResolvedMetadata.put(
-    result

Review Comment:
   Could you adjust the file name to the class name (should be the same).

@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.resolver
+import java.util.{ArrayDeque, ArrayList}
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.CTERelationDef
+ * The [[CteScope]] is responsible for keeping track of visible and known CTE 
definitions at a given
+ * stage of a SQL query/DataFrame program resolution. These scopes are stacked 
and the stack is
+ * managed by the [[CteRegistry]]. The scope is created per single WITH clause.
+ *
+ * The CTE operators are:
+ *  - [[UnresolvedWith]]. This is a `host` operator that contains a list of 
unresolved CTE
+ *    definitions from the WITH clause and a single child operator, which is 
the actual unresolved
+ *    SELECT query.
+ *  - [[UnresolvedRelation]]. This is a generic unresolved relation operator 
that will sometimes
+ *    be resolved to a CTE definition and later replaced with a 
[[CTERelationRef]]. The CTE takes
+ *    precedence over a regular table or a view when resolving this identifier.
+ *  - [[CTERelationDef]]. This is a reusable logical plan, which will later be 
referenced by the
+ *    lower CTE definitions and [[UnresolvedWith]] child.
+ *  - [[CTERelationRef]]. This is a leaf node similar to a relation operator 
that references a
+ *    certain [[CTERelationDef]] by its ID. It has a name (unique locally for 
a WITH clause list)
+ *    and an ID (unique for all the CTEs in a query).
+ *  - [[WithCTE]]. This is a `host` operator that contains a list of resolved 
CTE definitions from
+ *    the WITH clause and a single child operator, which is the actual 
resolved SELECT query.
+ *
+ * The task of the [[Resolver]] is to correctly place [[WithCTE]] with 
[[CTERelationDef]]s inside
+ * and make sure that [[CTERelationRef]]s correctly reference 
[[CTERelationDef]]s with their IDs.
+ * The decision whether to inline those CTE subtrees or not is made by the 
[[Optimizer]], unlike
+ * what Spark does for the [[View]]s (always inline during the analysis).
+ *
+ * There are some caveats in how Spark places those operators and resolves 
their names:
+ *  - Ambiguous CTE definition names are disallowed only within a single WITH 
clause, and this is
+ *    validated by the Parser in [[AstBuilder]]
+ *    using [[QueryParsingErrors.duplicateCteDefinitionNamesError]]:
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    -- This is disallowed.
+ *    WITH cte AS (SELECT 1),
+ *    cte AS (SELECT 2)
+ *    SELECT * FROM cte;
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *  - When [[UnresolvedRelation]] identifier is resolved to a 
[[CTERelationDef]] and there is a
+ *    name conflict on several layers of CTE definitions, the lower 
definitions take precedence:
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    -- The result is `3`, lower [[CTERelationDef]] takes precedence.
+ *    WITH cte AS (
+ *      SELECT 1
+ *    )
+ *    SELECT * FROM (
+ *      WITH cte AS (
+ *        SELECT 2
+ *      )
+ *      SELECT * FROM (
+ *        WITH cte AS (
+ *          SELECT 3
+ *        )
+ *        SELECT * FROM cte
+ *      )
+ *    )
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *  - Any subquery can contain [[UnresolvedWith]] on top of it, but 
[[WithCTE]] is not gonna be
+ *    1 to 1 to its unresolved counterpart. For example, if we are dealing 
with simple subqueries,
+ *    [[CTERelationDef]]s will be merged together under a single [[WithCTE]]. 
The previous example
+ *    would produce the following resolved plan:
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    WithCTE
+ *    :- CTERelationDef 18, false
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    :- CTERelationDef 19, false
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    :- CTERelationDef 20, false
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    +- Project [3#1203]
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *  - However, if we have any expression subquery (scalar/IN/EXISTS...), the 
+ *    [[CTERelationDef]]s and subquery's [[CTERelationDef]] won't be merged 
together (as they are
+ *    separated by an expression tree):
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    WITH cte AS (
+ *      SELECT 1 AS col1
+ *    )
+ *    SELECT * FROM cte WHERE col1 IN (
+ *      WITH cte AS (
+ *        SELECT 2
+ *      )
+ *      SELECT * FROM cte
+ *    )
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *    ->
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *    WithCTE
+ *    :- CTERelationDef 21, false
+ *    :  +- ...
+ *    +- Project [col1#1223]
+ *       +- Filter col1#1223 IN (list#1222 [])
+ *          :  +- WithCTE
+ *          :     :- CTERelationDef 22, false
+ *          :     :  +- ...
+ *          :     +- Project [2#1241]
+ *          :        +- ...
+ *          +- ...
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ *  - Upper CTEs are visible through subqueries and can be referenced by lower 
operators, but not
+ *    through the [[View]] boyndary:
+ *
+ *    {{{
+ *
+ *    -- The result is 1.
+ *    -- The `v2` body will be inlined in the main query tree during the 
analysis, but upper `v1`
+ *    -- CTE definition _won't_ take precedence over the lower `v1` view.
+ *    WITH v1 AS (
+ *      SELECT 2
+ *    )
+ *    SELECT * FROM v2;
+ *    }}}
+ *
+ * @param isRoot This marks the place where [[WithCTE]] has to be placed with 
all the merged
+ *   [[CTERelationDef]] that were collected under it. It will be true for root 
query, [[View]]s
+ *   and expression subqueries.
+ * @param isOpaque This flag makes this [[CteScope]] opaque for 
[[CTERelationDef]] lookups. It will
+ *   be true for root query and [[View]]s.
+ */
+class CteScope(val isRoot: Boolean, val isOpaque: Boolean) {
+  /**
+   * Known [[CTERelationDef]]s that were already resolved in this scope or in 
child scopes. This is
+   * used to merge CTE definitions together in a single [[WithCTE]].
+   */
+  private val knownCtes = new ArrayList[CTERelationDef]
+  /**
+   * Visible [[CTERelationDef]]s that were already resolved in this scope. 
Child scope definitions
+   * are _not_ visible. Upper definitions _are_ visible, but this is handled by
+   * [[CteRegistry.resolveCteName]] to avoid cascadingly growing 

Review Comment:
      * [[CteRegistry.resolveCteName]] to avoid calculatingly growing 

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