MaxGekk commented on code in PR #49658:

@@ -272,122 +394,74 @@ class NameScopeStack extends SQLConfHelper {
-   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with a named plan output.
+   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with operator `output`.
-   * See [[NameScope.update]] for more details.
-   */
-  def overwriteTop(name: String, attributes: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
-    val newScope = new NameScope
-    newScope.update(name, attributes)
-    stack.pop()
-    stack.push(newScope)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with an unnamed plan output.
+   * This method is called by the [[Resolver]] when we've calculated the 
output of an operator that
+   * is being resolved. The new output is calculated based on the outputs of 
operator's children.
+   *
+   * Example for [[SubqueryAlias]], here we rewrite the top [[NameScope]]'s 
attributes to prepend
+   * subquery qualifier to their names:
-   * See [[NameScope.+=]] for more details.
+   * {{{
+   * val qualifier = sa.identifier.qualifier :+ sa.alias
+   * scope.overwriteTop( => 
+   * }}}
+   *
+   * Trivially, we would call this method for every operator in the query plan,
+   * however some operators just propagate the output of their children 
without any changes, so
+   * we can omit this call for them (e.g. [[Filter]]).
+   *
+   * This method should be preferred over [[withNewScope]].
-  def overwriteTop(attributes: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
-    val newScope = new NameScope
-    newScope += attributes
+  def overwriteTop(output: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
+    val newScope = new NameScope(output)
-   * Execute `body` in a context of a fresh scope. It's used during the 
[[Project]] or the
-   * [[Aggregate]] resolution to avoid calling [[push]] and [[pop]] explicitly.
+   * Execute `body` in a context of a fresh scope.
+   *
+   * This method is called by the [[Resolver]] before recursing into the 
operator's child
+   * resolution _only_ in cases where a fresh scope is required.
+   *
+   * For esample, [[Project]] or [[Aggregate]] introduce their own scopes 
semantically, so that a
+   * lower resolution can lookup correlated names:
+   *
+   * {{{
+   *
+   * -- Here we need a scope for the upper [[Project]], and a separate scope 
for the correlated
+   * -- subquery, because its [[Filter]] need to lookup `t1.col1` from the 
upper scope.
+   * -- Those scopes have to be indenepdent to avoid polluting each other's 
+   * SELECT col1, (SELECT col2 FROM t2 WHERE t2.col1 == t1.col1 LIMIT 1) FROM 
+   * }}}
+   *
+   * Also, we need separate scopes for the operators with multiple children, 
so that the next
+   * child's resolution woudn't try to work with the data from it's sibling's 
scope, to avoid

Review Comment:
      * child's resolution wouldn't try to work with the data from it's 
sibling's scope, to avoid

@@ -23,59 +23,76 @@ import 
 import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryCompilationErrors
- * Class that represents results of name resolution or star expansion. It 
- *   - `candidates` - A list of candidates that are possible matches for a 
given name.
- *   - `aliasName` - If the candidates size is 1 and it's type is 
`ExtractValue` (which means that
- *     it's a recursive type), then the `aliasName` should be the name with 
which the candidate is
- *     aliased. Otherwise, `aliasName` should be `None`.
- *   - `allAttributes` - A list of all attributes which is used to generate 
suggestions for
- *     unresolved column error.
+ * [[NameTarget]] is a result of a multipart name resolution of the
+ * [[NameScope.resolveMultipartName]].
- * Example:
+ * Attribute resolution:
- * - Attribute resolution:
- * {{{ SELECT col1 FROM VALUES (1); }}} will have a [[NameTarget]] with a 
single candidate `col1`.
- * `aliasName` would be `None` in this case because the column is not of 
recursive type.
+ * {{{
+ * -- [[NameTarget]] with a single candidate `col1`. `aliasName` is be `None` 
in this case because
+ * -- the name is not a field/value/item of some recursive type.
+ * SELECT col1 FROM VALUES (1);
+ * }}}
- * - Recursive attribute resolution:
- * {{{ SELECT col1.col1 FROM VALUES(STRUCT(1,2), 3) }}} will have a 
[[NameTarget]] with a
- * single candidate `col1` and an `aliasName` of `Some("col1")`.
+ * Attribute resolution ambiguity:
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * -- [[NameTarget]] with candidates `col1`, `col1`. [[pickCandidate]] will 
+ * SELECT col1 FROM VALUES (1) t1, VALUES (2) t2;
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Struct field resolution:
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * -- [[NameTarget]] with a single candidate `GetStructField(col1, "field1")`. 
`aliasName` is
+ * -- `Some("col1")`, since here we extract a field of a struct.
+ * SELECT col1.field1 FROM VALUES (named_struct('field1', 1), 3);
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * @param candidates A list of candidates that are possible matches for a 
given name.
+ * @param aliasName If the candidates size is 1 and it's type is 
[[ExtractValue]] (which means that
+ *   it's a field/value/item from a recursive type), then the `aliasName` 
should be the name with
+ *   which the candidate needs to be aliased. Otherwise, `aliasName` is `None`.
+ * @param lateralAttributeReference If the candidate is laterally referencing 
another column this
+ *   field is populated with that column's attribute.
+ * @param output [[output]] of a [[NameSope]] that produced this 
[[NameTarget]]. Used to provide

Review Comment:
   Probably, `NameScope`:
    * @param output [[output]] of a [[NameScope]] that produced this 
[[NameTarget]]. Used to provide

@@ -139,63 +168,112 @@ class Resolver(
   override def resolve(unresolvedPlan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
     planLogger.logPlanResolutionEvent(unresolvedPlan, "Unresolved plan")
-    throwIfNodeWasResolvedEarlier(unresolvedPlan)
     val resolvedPlan =
       unresolvedPlan match {
+        case unresolvedWith: UnresolvedWith =>
+          resolveWith(unresolvedWith)
         case unresolvedProject: Project =>
-          resolveProject(unresolvedProject)
+          projectResolver.resolve(unresolvedProject)
         case unresolvedFilter: Filter =>
+        case unresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases: UnresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases 
+          resolveSubqueryColumnAliases(unresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases)
         case unresolvedSubqueryAlias: SubqueryAlias =>
+        case unresolvedView: View =>
+          viewResolver.resolve(unresolvedView)
         case unresolvedGlobalLimit: GlobalLimit =>
         case unresolvedLocalLimit: LocalLimit =>
+        case unresolvedDistinct: Distinct =>
+          resolveDistinct(unresolvedDistinct)
         case unresolvedRelation: UnresolvedRelation =>
+        case unresolvedCteRelationDef: CTERelationDef =>
+          resolveCteRelationDef(unresolvedCteRelationDef)
         case unresolvedInlineTable: UnresolvedInlineTable =>
+        case unresolvedUnion: Union =>
+          unionResolver.resolve(unresolvedUnion)
         // See the reason why we have to match both [[LocalRelation]] and 
         // in the [[resolveInlineTable]] scaladoc
         case resolvedInlineTable: ResolvedInlineTable =>
-          updateNameScopeWithPlanOutput(resolvedInlineTable)
+          handleLeafOperator(resolvedInlineTable)
         case localRelation: LocalRelation =>
-          updateNameScopeWithPlanOutput(localRelation)
+          handleLeafOperator(localRelation)
         case unresolvedOneRowRelation: OneRowRelation =>
-          updateNameScopeWithPlanOutput(unresolvedOneRowRelation)
+          handleLeafOperator(unresolvedOneRowRelation)
         case _ =>
           tryDelegateResolutionToExtension(unresolvedPlan).getOrElse {
-    markNodeAsResolved(resolvedPlan)
+    if (resolvedPlan.children.nonEmpty) {
+      val missingInput = resolvedPlan.missingInput
+      if (missingInput.nonEmpty) {
+        withPosition(unresolvedPlan) {
+          throwMissingAttributesError(resolvedPlan, missingInput)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!resolvedPlan.resolved) {
+      throwSinglePassFailedToResolveOperator(resolvedPlan)
+    }
     planLogger.logPlanResolution(unresolvedPlan, resolvedPlan)
-    resolvedPlan
+    preservePlanIdTag(unresolvedPlan, resolvedPlan)
-   * [[Project]] introduces a new scope to resolve its subtree and project 
list expressions. After
-   * those are resolved in the child scope we overwrite current scope with 
resolved [[Project]]'s
-   * output to expose new names to the parent operators.
+   * [[UnresolvedWith]] contains a list of unresolved CTE definitions, which 
are represented by
+   * (name, subquery) pairs, and an actual child query. First we resolve the 
CTE definitions
+   * strictly in their declaration order, so they become available for other 
lower definitions
+   * (lower both in this WITH clause list and in the plan tree) and for the 
[[UnresolvedWith]] child
+   * query. After that, we resolve the child query. Optionally, if this is a 
root [[CteScope]],
+   * we return a [[WithCTE]] operator with all the resolved 
[[CTERelationDef]]s merged together
+   * from this scope and child scopes. Otherwise, we return the resolved child 
query so that
+   * the resolved [[CTERelationDefs]] propagate up and will be merged together 
+   *
+   * See [[CteScope]] scaladoc for all the details on how CTEs are resolved.
-  private def resolveProject(unresolvedProject: Project): LogicalPlan = {
-    val resolvedProject = scopes.withNewScope {
-      val resolvedChild = resolve(unresolvedProject.child)
-      val resolvedProjectList =
-        expressionResolver.resolveProjectList(unresolvedProject.projectList)
-      Project(resolvedProjectList, resolvedChild)
+  private def resolveWith(unresolvedWith: UnresolvedWith): LogicalPlan = {
+    val childOutputs = new ArrayBuffer[Seq[Attribute]]
+ { cteRelation =>

Review Comment:
   Since the lambda doesn't return any result, it is better to use `foreach`:
       unresolvedWith.cteRelations.foreach { cteRelation =>

@@ -252,36 +371,74 @@ class Resolver(
     val resolvedChild = resolve(unresolvedLocalLimit.child)
     val resolvedLimitExpr = withPosition(unresolvedLocalLimit) {
-      limitExpressionResolver.resolve(unresolvedLocalLimit.limitExpr)
+      expressionResolver.resolveLimitExpression(
+        unresolvedLocalLimit.limitExpr,
+        unresolvedLocalLimit
+      )
     LocalLimit(resolvedLimitExpr, resolvedChild)
+  /**
+   * [[Distinct]] operator doesn't require any speciial resolution.

Review Comment:
      * [[Distinct]] operator doesn't require any special resolution.

@@ -288,30 +473,148 @@ class ExpressionResolver(
    * [[Literal]] resolution doesn't require any specific resolution logic at 
this point.
+   */
+  private def resolveLiteral(literal: Literal): Expression = literal
+  /**
+   * The [[GetViewColumnByNameAndOrdinal]] is a special internal expression 
that is placed by the
+   * [[SessionCatalog]] in the top [[Project]] operator of the freshly 
reconstructed unresolved
+   * view plan. Since the view schema is fixed and persisted in the catalog, 
we have to extract
+   * the right attributes from the view plan regardless of the underlying 
table schema changes.
+   * [[GetViewColumnByNameAndOrdinal]] contains attribute name and it's 
ordinal to perform the
+   * necessary matching. If the matching was not successful, or the number of 
matched candidates
+   * differs from the recorded one, we throw an error.
+   *
+   * Example of the correct name matching:
+   *
+   * {{{
+   * CREATE TABLE underlying (col1 INT, col2 STRING);
+   * CREATE VIEW all_columns AS SELECT * FROM underlying;
+   *
+   * -- View plan for the SELECT below will contain a Project node on top with 
the following
+   * -- expressions:
+   * -- getviewcolumnbynameandordinal(`spark_catalog`.`default`.`all_columns`, 
col1, 0, 1)
+   * -- getviewcolumnbynameandordinal(`spark_catalog`.`default`.`all_columns`, 
col2, 0, 1)

Review Comment:
   Could you restore camel-cases.

@@ -272,122 +394,74 @@ class NameScopeStack extends SQLConfHelper {
-   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with a named plan output.
+   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with operator `output`.
-   * See [[NameScope.update]] for more details.
-   */
-  def overwriteTop(name: String, attributes: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
-    val newScope = new NameScope
-    newScope.update(name, attributes)
-    stack.pop()
-    stack.push(newScope)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with an unnamed plan output.
+   * This method is called by the [[Resolver]] when we've calculated the 
output of an operator that
+   * is being resolved. The new output is calculated based on the outputs of 
operator's children.
+   *
+   * Example for [[SubqueryAlias]], here we rewrite the top [[NameScope]]'s 
attributes to prepend
+   * subquery qualifier to their names:
-   * See [[NameScope.+=]] for more details.
+   * {{{
+   * val qualifier = sa.identifier.qualifier :+ sa.alias
+   * scope.overwriteTop( => 
+   * }}}
+   *
+   * Trivially, we would call this method for every operator in the query plan,
+   * however some operators just propagate the output of their children 
without any changes, so
+   * we can omit this call for them (e.g. [[Filter]]).
+   *
+   * This method should be preferred over [[withNewScope]].
-  def overwriteTop(attributes: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
-    val newScope = new NameScope
-    newScope += attributes
+  def overwriteTop(output: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
+    val newScope = new NameScope(output)
-   * Execute `body` in a context of a fresh scope. It's used during the 
[[Project]] or the
-   * [[Aggregate]] resolution to avoid calling [[push]] and [[pop]] explicitly.
+   * Execute `body` in a context of a fresh scope.
+   *
+   * This method is called by the [[Resolver]] before recursing into the 
operator's child
+   * resolution _only_ in cases where a fresh scope is required.
+   *
+   * For esample, [[Project]] or [[Aggregate]] introduce their own scopes 
semantically, so that a
+   * lower resolution can lookup correlated names:
+   *
+   * {{{
+   *
+   * -- Here we need a scope for the upper [[Project]], and a separate scope 
for the correlated
+   * -- subquery, because its [[Filter]] need to lookup `t1.col1` from the 
upper scope.
+   * -- Those scopes have to be indenepdent to avoid polluting each other's 

Review Comment:
      * -- Those scopes have to be independent to avoid polluting each other's 

@@ -199,16 +279,97 @@ class ExpressionResolver(
    * from the [[Resolver]] during [[Project]] resolution.
    * The output sequence can be larger than the input sequence due to 
[[UnresolvedStar]] expansion.
+   *
+   * @returns The list of resolved expressions along with flags indicating 
whether the resolved
+   * project list contains aggregate expressions or attributes (encapsulated in
+   * [[ResolvedProjectList]]) which are used during the further resolution of 
the tree.
+   *
+   * The following query:
+   *
+   * {{{ SELECT COUNT(col1), 2 FROM VALUES(1); }}}
+   *
+   * would have a project list with two expressions: `COUNT(col1)` and `2`. 
After the resolution it
+   * would return the following result:
+   * ResolvedProjectList(
+   *   expressions = [count(col1) as count(col1), 2 AS 2],
+   *   hasAggregateExpressions = true, // because it contains `count(col1)` in 
the project list
+   *   hasAttributes = false // because it doesn't contain any 
[[AttributeReference]]s in the
+   *                         // project list (only under the aggregate 
expression, please check
+   *                         // [[AggregateExpressionResolver]] for more 
-  def resolveProjectList(unresolvedProjectList: Seq[NamedExpression]): 
Seq[NamedExpression] = {
-    unresolvedProjectList.flatMap {
+  def resolveProjectList(
+      unresolvedProjectList: Seq[NamedExpression],
+      operator: LogicalPlan): ResolvedProjectList = {
+    val projectListResolutionContext = new ExpressionResolutionContext
+    val resolvedProjectList = unresolvedProjectList.flatMap {
       case unresolvedStar: UnresolvedStar =>
       case other =>
-        Seq(resolveNamedExpression(other, isTopOfProjectList = 
+        val (resolvedElement, resolvedElementContext) =
+          resolveExpressionTreeInOperatorImpl(other, operator)
+        projectListResolutionContext.merge(resolvedElementContext)
+        Seq(resolvedElement.asInstanceOf[NamedExpression])
+    ResolvedProjectList(
+      expressions = resolvedProjectList,
+      hasAggregateExpressions = 
+      hasAttributes = projectListResolutionContext.hasAttributeInASubtree,
+      hasLateralColumnAlias = 
+    )
+  /**
+   * Resolves [[Expression]] only by resolving its children. This resolution 
method is used for
+   * nodes that don't require any special resolution other than resolving its 
+   */
+  def resolveExpressionGenerically(expression: Expression): Expression =

Review Comment:
   Can be a private?

@@ -17,29 +17,50 @@
 package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.resolver
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import org.apache.spark.SparkException
 import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.EvaluateUnresolvedInlineTable
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{
+  AnalysisErrorAt,
-  NamedRelation,
+  MultiInstanceRelation,
-  UnresolvedRelation
+  UnresolvedRelation,
+  UnresolvedSubqueryColumnAliases
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{
+  Alias,
+  Attribute,
+  AttributeSet,
+  Expression,
+  NamedExpression
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{
+  AnalysisHelper,
+  CTERelationDef,
+  CTERelationRef,
+  Distinct,
+  LeafNode,
-  SubqueryAlias
+  SubqueryAlias,
+  Union,
+  UnresolvedWith,
+  View,
+  WithCTE
-import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogManager
-import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.{QueryCompilationErrors, QueryErrorsBase}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.{CatalogManager}

Review Comment:
   import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogManager

@@ -123,18 +182,18 @@ class ExpressionResolver(
   override def resolve(unresolvedExpression: Expression): Expression = {
"Unresolved expression tree")
-    if (unresolvedExpression
-        .getTagValue(ExpressionResolver.SINGLE_PASS_SUBTREE_BOUNDARY)
-        .nonEmpty) {
+    if (tryPopSinglePassSubtreeBoundary(unresolvedExpression)) {
     } else {
-      throwIfNodeWasResolvedEarlier(unresolvedExpression)
+      pushResolutionContext()
-      val resolvedExpression = unresolvedExpression match {
+      var resolvedExpression = unresolvedExpression match {

Review Comment:
   Is it really needed?

@@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ class MetadataResolver(
    * [[RelationResolution]] wasn't successful, we resort to using 
    * Otherwise, we fail with an exception.
-  def resolve(unresolvedPlan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
+  override def resolve(unresolvedPlan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
     traverseLogicalPlanTree(unresolvedPlan) { unresolvedOperator =>
       unresolvedOperator match {

Review Comment:
       traverseLogicalPlanTree(unresolvedPlan) {
         case unresolvedRelation: UnresolvedRelation =>

@@ -272,122 +394,74 @@ class NameScopeStack extends SQLConfHelper {
-   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with a named plan output.
+   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with operator `output`.
-   * See [[NameScope.update]] for more details.
-   */
-  def overwriteTop(name: String, attributes: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
-    val newScope = new NameScope
-    newScope.update(name, attributes)
-    stack.pop()
-    stack.push(newScope)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Completely overwrite the top scope state with an unnamed plan output.
+   * This method is called by the [[Resolver]] when we've calculated the 
output of an operator that
+   * is being resolved. The new output is calculated based on the outputs of 
operator's children.
+   *
+   * Example for [[SubqueryAlias]], here we rewrite the top [[NameScope]]'s 
attributes to prepend
+   * subquery qualifier to their names:
-   * See [[NameScope.+=]] for more details.
+   * {{{
+   * val qualifier = sa.identifier.qualifier :+ sa.alias
+   * scope.overwriteTop( => 
+   * }}}
+   *
+   * Trivially, we would call this method for every operator in the query plan,
+   * however some operators just propagate the output of their children 
without any changes, so
+   * we can omit this call for them (e.g. [[Filter]]).
+   *
+   * This method should be preferred over [[withNewScope]].
-  def overwriteTop(attributes: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
-    val newScope = new NameScope
-    newScope += attributes
+  def overwriteTop(output: Seq[Attribute]): Unit = {
+    val newScope = new NameScope(output)
-   * Execute `body` in a context of a fresh scope. It's used during the 
[[Project]] or the
-   * [[Aggregate]] resolution to avoid calling [[push]] and [[pop]] explicitly.
+   * Execute `body` in a context of a fresh scope.
+   *
+   * This method is called by the [[Resolver]] before recursing into the 
operator's child
+   * resolution _only_ in cases where a fresh scope is required.
+   *
+   * For esample, [[Project]] or [[Aggregate]] introduce their own scopes 
semantically, so that a

Review Comment:
      * For example, [[Project]] or [[Aggregate]] introduce their own scopes 
semantically, so that a

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