MaxGekk commented on code in PR #49191:

@@ -3723,3 +3723,40 @@ case class Luhncheck(input: Expression) extends 
RuntimeReplaceable with Implicit
   override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
       newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression = copy(newChildren(0))
+ * A function that prepends a backslash to each instance of single quote
+ * in the given string and encloses the result by single quotes.
+ */
+  usage = """
+    _FUNC_(str) - Returns `str` enclosed by single quotes and
+    each instance of single quote in it is preceded by a backslash.

Review Comment:
   It would be better to leave one string because the new line character occurs 
in docs.

@@ -3723,3 +3723,40 @@ case class Luhncheck(input: Expression) extends 
RuntimeReplaceable with Implicit
   override protected def withNewChildrenInternal(
       newChildren: IndexedSeq[Expression]): Expression = copy(newChildren(0))
+ * A function that prepends a backslash to each instance of single quote
+ * in the given string and encloses the result by single quotes.
+ */
+  usage = """
+    _FUNC_(str) - Returns `str` enclosed by single quotes and
+    each instance of single quote in it is preceded by a backslash.
+  """,
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT _FUNC_('Don\'t');
+       'Don\'t'
+  """,
+  since = "4.0.0",
+  group = "string_funcs")
+case class Quote(input: Expression) extends RuntimeReplaceable with 
+  with UnaryLike[Expression] {
+  override def nullIntolerant: Boolean = true
+  override lazy val replacement: Expression = Invoke(input, "quote", 

Review Comment:
   Can't you use `StaticInvoke`?

@@ -1452,4 +1452,21 @@ class StringFunctionsSuite extends QueryTest with 
SharedSparkSession {
         Seq(Row("abc", "def")))
+  test("SPARK-50582: string quote function") {
+    val df = Seq(("Don't")).toDF("value")
+    checkAnswer(
+      Row("'Don\\'t'"))
+    checkAnswer(
+      df.selectExpr("quote('Spark')"),
+      Row("'Spark'")
+    )
+    checkAnswer(
+      df.selectExpr("quote(NULL)"),
+      Row(null))

Review Comment:
   This is duplicates of checks in `string-functions.sql`?

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