liviazhu-db commented on code in PR #49451:

@@ -291,7 +291,8 @@ private[sql] class HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider extends 
StateStoreProvider with
     catch {
-      case e: SparkException if 
e.getCondition.contains("CANNOT_LOAD_STATE_STORE") =>
+      case e: SparkException
+        if Option(e.getCondition).contains("CANNOT_LOAD_STATE_STORE") =>

Review Comment:
   I can't speak to any other uses of `e.getCondition` - perhaps there is some 
logic that guarantees the its existence? I know that for the specific cases in 
the PR, we were able to repro a NullPointerException from these calls. As for 
the specific case above, I can't see anything that would prevent a NPE here, 
but perhaps we can get someone with more context on this part of the code 
(maybe @WweiL?) to chime in. With his input, I could add this fix to this PR 
but the other 35+ uses may be more difficult to verify.

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