From a quick survey on 10 packages:

- most only need the one line from d/control removed.
   -> I think that for those making dh-buildinfo a virtual package
       provided by debhelper would be nice

- aflplusplsu needed some more trimming from d/rules.

I think a 10%  x 300 = 30 FTBFS risk totally acceptable.

Le mer. 27 nov. 2024 à 14:04, Chris Hofstaedtler <> a écrit :
> IIRC you said in some other thread that dh-buildinfo is causing you
> issues. If that is the case (= if I'm not misremembering), an upload
> that "defuses" dh-buildinfo would immediately solve the issue.

It would still create the FTBFS issue
if someone wants to call this helper directly ...

> And then maintainers can get to their bugs whenever. Possibly only
> when dh-buildinfo actually gets removed from unstable.

By past knoweledge FTP Masters will in very most cases
remove a package only after _all_ rdpends are cleared
(they did removed python3-future which was a big nuisance tough)


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