Hi Vagrant,

> I just wanted to spend a few moments looking over the progress
> Reproducible Builds has made in Debian over the last few release cycles.
> So, while Reproducible Builds in Debian is dealing with the challenges
> of a "last mile" problem (please forgive my use of an anachronistic
> measuring system), we're also keeping pace with thousands of newly
> introduced packages yet still gradually and steadily pulling ever so
> slightly further ahead!

Ah, thanks for putting some numbers on this. It mostly tracks with my
(entirely subjective & empirical) experiences in that while we are not
exactly hearing objection to our goals, we mostly just hear static.
See, for example, #776955, #824453, #777287, #777326, etc. etc.

It remains an open issue how we can make progress on bugs like this,
particularly when expending energy and social capital on getting them
fixed (for example in #926242, which now predates the release of
buster) takes me away from fixing some of the growing toolchain issues
(eg. Octave, R/CRAN, etc.)

Of course, we don't really see bugs which are silently fixed either,
but it's good to be reminded that there is progress. 👍


    ⬋   ⬊      Chris Lamb
   o     o     reproducible-builds.org 💠
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