On 2020-04-29, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 03:38:40PM -0700, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
>> Another point; while I have access to jenkins.debian.net, I apparently
>> don't have the permissions and/or know-how necessary to update the
>> database with the blacklists (tried running
>> ./bin/reproducible_blacklist.sh, but got some database permission
>> errors).
> how exactly did you try to run it?
> here's what I did:
> jenkins@jenkins:~$ for suite in stretch buster bullseye unstable experimental 
> ; do /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_blacklist.sh armhf $suite eigen3 flang 
> freedict gcc-7 gcc-8 gcc-9 gcc-10 gcc-snapshot ; done

Thanks! Should be able to handle future updates myself now!

Running as the "jenkins" user was what I was missing. I'll try to review
the documentation and update to make this clearer, if needed.

live well,

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