As far as I know, the only mode that will export power is grid tied mode.
If you want to sell during the day and Support in the evening, you can use the MATE3S (or via OpticsRE) function called Flex Time.
Thank you,
Maverick Brown Off-Grid Solar Commander since 2006 Maverick Solar Enterprises, Inc. • Solar Commander Remote Power • SunFlow Systems Cathodic Protection 512-460-9825
On Sep 7, 2024, at 6:13 PM, Kristopher Schmid via RE-wrenches <> wrote:
Hi All,
This will likely be an easy answer for this group.
I have a radian 4048 installation and am unable to get the programming correct. What i want it to do is sell to the grid when the batteries are full, but draw from the batteries at night or during cloudy periods until hitting a set SOC or voltage and bring in the grid at that point. It successfully sells as desired, but as soon as the PV goes away, it pulls from the grid to satisfy house loads even with a full battery. The only operation mode that will sell is grid-tied, yes?
I know I'm probably missing something obvious...
Thanks for the help, Kris
Shine On! Kris Schmid Legacy Solar, LLC 137 West 1st Avenue Luck, WI 54853 www.legacysolar.com715-653-4295 NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional Licensed Wisconsin Master Electrician BSEE
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