Hi All,

I am working on sorting out equipment for a roughly 70kw 208V three phase
system, where they also want a very small battery backup for some 120V
loads. It seems like it may be a bit overkill to have all 70kw worth of
solar going through battery based inverters, when I need only a small
amount of backup power. But I would also like to keep the whole system with
the same manufacturer inverter for monitoring simplicity.

I am considering two Sol-Ark 30K inverters, but their L3 battery system
will do a minimum of 40kWh. I need to keep it under 20kWh because of
permitting issues.

I am leaning towards Enphase, because their commercial MI's are high
powered and surprisingly low cost. Especially since this is a roof mount on
a pitched roof, and that will take care of rapid shutdown. But in order to
use their batteries, we need a 240V split phase system. I am thinking of
using a couple strings of IQ8's to integrate with their batteries, and then
use a 208V to 240V transformer to hook into the rest of the electrical
system in the building. Something like this:

My only concern here is wondering whether there will be phase issues, if I
am taking two legs from the 208V primary at 120 degrees from each other and
turning that into 240V for the IQ system controller. I would love to hear
if someone has done something like this successfully. I don't want to find
out during installation if it wont work.

Or, if anyone has other equipment suggestions, I am open to that too.



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Dave Tedeyan, P.E.
Owner | Sungineer Solar
p: he | him | his
a: 1653 Slaterville Rd. | Ithaca, NY 14850
w: www.sungineersolar.com <http://www.sungineersolar.com/>
c: (607) 270-0370
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