
Thanks for the feedback on the issue.  The relevant code sections are below
(2020 version).

·        I see nothing that prevents splicing in a panelboard as long as
there is adequate cross-sectional area (312.8).

·        Note that if circuits run through a panel and do not originate in
that panel, there must be a warning label (312.8(A)(3)).

·        There is a requirement to run all conductors of a given circuit
together in any raceway (300.3(B).  Unless you are running jacketed cable,
which does not apply here, there is no way to run wires into a panel except
through a raceway.  Even the shortest option, a chase nipple, is a section
of raceway.  So if you are relocating a circuit with a neutral to a
critical loads sub-panel you must run the neutral with it the entire
distance and connect it in that critical loads sub-panel.

·        The conductors in AC wiring systems emit EMF and the EMF from
different conductors can interact with each other and metallic objects
nearby, creating eddy currents.  This effect is heightened in metallic
raceways.  It is important that all conductors of AC circuits be in close
proximity because it helps reduce external EMF.  I believe this is the
reason behind 300.3(B).

·        I always try to think about any technician that might come after
me and try to make it obvious what is being done in order to make
troubleshooting easier and safer.  Making someone search around for a
corresponding neutral is just not good practice.

Based on the code and this logic, I am very clear that one must connect
neutrals within the load-center that holds the overcurrent protection
feeding that circuit.

William Miller

*300.3(B) Conductors of the Same Circuit. All conductors of the*

*same circuit and, where used, the grounded conductor and all*

*equipment grounding conductors and bonding conductors*

*shall be contained within the same raceway, auxiliary gutter,*

*cable u-ay, cablebus assembly, trench, cable, or cord, unless*

*otherwise permitted in accordance with 300.3(B)(l) through*

*(B)(4) .*

I see nothing in B1-B4 that applies here, so no exception.

*312.8 Switch and Overcurrent Device Enclosures. The wiring*

*space within enclosures for switches and overcurrent devices*

*shall be permitted for other wiring and equipment subject to*

*limi tations for specific equipment as provided in 312.8(A) and*


*(A) Splices, Taps, and Feed-Through Conductors. The wiring*

*space of enclosures for switches or overcurrent devices shall be*

*permitted for conductors feeding through, spliced, or tapping*

*off to other enclosures, switches, or overcurrent devices where*

*all of the following conditions are met:*

*(1) The total of all conductors installed at any cross section of*

*the wiring space doe not exceed 40 percent of the crosssectional*

*area of that space.*

*(2) The total area of all conductors, splices, and taps installed*

*at any cross section of the wiring space does not exceed*

*75 percent of the cross-sectional area of that space.*

*(3) A warning label complying with 110.21(B) is applied to*

*the enclosure that identifies the closest disconnecting*

*means for any feed-through conductors.*

Miller Solar

17395 Oak Road, Atascadero, CA 93422


CA Lic. 773985

*From:* RE-wrenches [] *On
Behalf Of *Ray Walters via RE-wrenches
*Sent:* Thursday, August 1, 2024 2:09 PM
*Cc:* Ray Walters
*Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] Neutral run to critical loads sub-panel

Hi Dana;

What code section is he/ she referencing?  Many times, wires are left too
short to land on a particular breaker or buss, so splices in the load
center happen even in regular electrical work.  Our inspectors here
consider a load center the same as any other electrical enclosure: subject
to wire and splice fill requirements.  We've beaten this dead horse subject
before, many years back.

So your inspector would require you to tear into a finished wall to install
a gutter, just to relocate a breaker in the same panel, and extend the
circuit wire with a splice?  What if you accidentally cut one neutral wire
a few inches short; suddenly you need the custom plaster crew back out to
patch?   I've had MLPs installed in walls with very expensive wall
finishes. I'm not tearing into that wall unless it's the only way.   The
majority of inspectors are not electricians.

Code citations, please.


Ray Walters
Remote Solar

On 8/1/2024 2:44 PM, Dana Orzel via RE-wrenches wrote:

Wire nuts in a breaker panel are not allowed per my inspector per code.
Pull the Romex out of the breaker panel & spllce in a wire gutter to

I have seen this enforced twice now.


Dana Orzel                GREAT SOLAR WORKS!

C – 208.721.7003      E –

W - www.

*“Responsible Technologies for Responsible People since 1988!”*


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