
The new inverter is NOT a rebrand. The Inverter is mainly designed  by
Midnite Solar, and is manufactured at a Tier 1 facility in Asia.
It is a MNS Prodcut through and Through, just missing the cool cabinet and
black paint.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 1:06 PM Maverick Brown <>

> Logan
> Is MidNite making the AIO or is it rebrand like the other guys?
> If MidNite is actually making it, that adds a whole new level of interest.
> MidNite makes great products already. This would be a game changer.
> Thank you,
> Maverick
> Maverick Brown
> Off-Grid Solar Commander since 2006
> Maverick Solar Enterprises, Inc.
>  • Solar Commander Remote Power
>  • SunFlow Systems Cathodic Protection
> 512-460-9825
> On Apr 10, 2024, at 10:54 AM, William Bryce via RE-wrenches <
>> wrote:
> All
> As a Beta tester and being a part of the development of the MNS All in
> One,  MNS is working to ensure that the current limitations from the use
> of  LA batteries will be addressed and supported.
> MNS is addressing the concerns of using an AOI inverter because failure
> will require the R&R of the unit. This AIO is designed to be
> completely field serviceable and MNS will stock the boards and  will
> provide the technical help to get the system back up and running in the
> field.
> Thanks
> Logan
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 11:01 AM Steve Higgins via RE-wrenches <
>> wrote:
>> Good Morning Wrenches...
>> When it comes to lead batteries, just be cautious of the all-in-ones and
>> some of the hybrid inverters.
>> Most of these inverters were not designed for Lead batteries and will
>> struggle to charge them, resulting in sulfation (undercharging) issues.
>> Eventually, this will lead to swelling of VRLA or excessive gassing on
>> Flooded Batteries. Unfortunately, many of the "Hybrid" or "All-in-One"
>> inverters released in the past 5-8 years are tailored more to
>> lithium-chemistry batteries. I can't tell you how many battery banks have
>> been cooked over the past couple of years due to the inability to control
>> charging settings.
>> If you can't control the Bulk/Absorb Voltage and Time, as well as the end
>> amps termination setpoints, you will generally struggle to get and keep a
>> Lead-Acid battery charged regardless of the battery you are using.
>> I looked at the Midnite site and I don't see a user manual yet,  once
>> it's posted I'll take a look and see if it's compatible for Rolls
>> Batteries,  I'm pretty sure it will as Midnight has been asking battery
>> charging questions the last couple of years.
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>> Steve Higgins ⋅ Technical Services Manager
>> t +1.902.597.4020  m +1.206.790.5840
>> f +1.902.597.8447  e
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>> ------------------------------
>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 7:29 AM jay via RE-wrenches <
>>> wrote:
>>> Can you explain what changes the eg4 18 inverter has vs the Envy as to
>>> LA programming?
>>> To me the Envy has a big advantage due to it having AGS warm up/cool
>>> down that the EG4 does not.
>>> Jay
>>> On Apr 10, 2024, at 7:49 AM, Howie Michaelson via RE-wrenches <
>>>> wrote:
>>> John,
>>> If you are thinking of pairing the Envy with lead-acid batteries, I
>>> would strongly suggest not doing it. Even though Fortress sales advertises
>>> the Envy to be compatible with lead-acid, after trying it in my off-grid
>>> home, I would emphatically say that it is not. The programming is
>>> inadequate, to put it kindly. And their support really doesn't have a clue
>>> about lead-acid - Fortress support literally said that they don't recommend
>>> pairing the Envy with l-a. However, I don't have an opinion about how it
>>> does with closed loop Li batteries.
>>> I did recently install an EG4 18k system, off-grid, with the client's
>>> knowledge that this was a bit of an experiment for me. Both the Envy and
>>> the EG4 are made by LuxPower and have been, to date, physically and
>>> programmatically almost identical. I had stayed away from EG4 since it
>>> seemed to be primarily aimed at the DIY market. However, the 18k appears to
>>> be a serious contender so far, although this installation is a fairly low
>>> stress situation. I've been fairly impressed with the system.   While this
>>> 18k is paired with EG4 Lithium batteries, EG4 has been making adjustments
>>> to the firmware to make it much more friendly to lead-acid. If you decide
>>> to go this route, check with EG4 (installer support - ask for Jarrett or
>>> Colt) to see where they are at with upgrading the firmware.
>>> I am also eagerly awaiting Midnite's AIO entry...
>>> Howie
>>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 9:02 AM John Blittersdorf via RE-wrenches <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Time will tell where the failure modes are.   I still don't like all
>>>> the eggs in one basket. Do you have to send the units back for repair?  Had
>>>> enough of that with Trace SW series inverters..
>>>> For off grid, I'll stick to the tried and true for now.  For Grid tie
>>>> it is just a financial hit.  For off-grid power loss it is more important
>>>> to deal with right away..
>>>> I am going to try a Fortress Envy at my off grid home but will keep my
>>>> Outback field repairable VFXR wired in just in case. I had a massive
>>>> lightning strike between my house and a guest cabin 1/4 mile away and I
>>>> lost power from my Fortress Eflex battery at the cabin and my Outback
>>>> inverter at my house.  I replaced the control board on my inverter ( I
>>>> always keep one in reserve as it is usually the only board failure due to
>>>> lightning)  and was back on line in 1/2 hour and Fortress rushed me a new
>>>> BMS board for the E-flex and a day later and a half hour swap had it back
>>>> in service,  Now it is a different story with 2 Simpliphi batteries I have
>>>> from a customer that failed.  I have to ship them to California to have
>>>> them evaluated to see if we had damaged them by misuse.  Lots of expense
>>>> and time lost.
>>>> John Blittersdorf
>>>> CV Wind Service / Off Grid Vermont
>>>> 802-770-8625
>>>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 11:43 PM Scot Arey via RE-wrenches <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Wow, are we in the golden age of inverter/chargers? If it had 200-a.p
>>>>> pass thru it would be near perfect.
>>>>> Begs the question: are stand alone charge controllers becoming a
>>>>> historical artifact?
>>>>> Howard "Scot" Arey
>>>>> Owner, Solar CenTex
>>>>> 254-300-1228
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