It is pretty well laid out on the website for 3 + years that you need to
use Insight.
You should also read the installer info.
SCP will work for some basic functions but is out of memory for XWP. Use
for indication only.
I am guessing that you did not program XWP to set the IEE region code as
above in the installers manual? This is probably causing some extra
issues for you.
You do need the password and I can send it if you do not have it?
Good Luck.
Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
"we go where powerlines don't"
text 209 813 0060
On 2023-06-11 10:37 am, greg egan via RE-wrenches wrote:
I'm currently onsite with a system. Just replaced 4 XW + 6848's with 4
XW Pros. Updated the Gateway to rev. 1.17 and the Pros to 2.04. Have
some questions/observations so far.
System: Off Grid with 4 XW Pros, 18 MPPT 80 600s, 2 SCPs, 1 Gateway, 1
Battery Monitor, 1 AGS. 3000 ahr of NiFe batteries. 36 kW Kubota
I tried using the Inverter SCP to program settings on the new inverters
and it took everything but when I checked on InsightLocal the settings
had not changed. They were all still default so I had to go through it
again one at a time through insightlocal. I'm guessing the SCP no
longer works for programming with the Gateway? Can anyone confirm?
Programming used to work through the SCP with the old XW+ inverters and
Tried using the Solar SCP to change settings on the charge controls but
had to use insight local to change each individually. Used to be able
to use the "copy from" function which was a real time saver.
Wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem, or if it works
for them, what am I missing? Is there a cool way to change one setting
with insightlocal and get it to change the other 17?
- looking at the CC's via insightlocal,
under configuration -> advanced ->controls - I set all chargers
"enabled" but the next day or so they all go to "disabled". They all
still work though. Doesn't seem to affect operations.
under configuration -> advanced ->charger settings - I have the first
CC set to "primary" and the rest to secondary. No idea if that's right
or not. seems to work. Options are "stand-alone, primary, secondary
and echo". I could not find definitions in the manual on them.
- looking at the XW Pros via insight local,
under configuration -> advanced ->controls -> Backup Mode - I disabled
BAckup mode since I'm not backing up the grid. System shut down
immediately. Backup mode must be enabled when you're off grid.
Thanks in advance : )
Greg Egan
Remote Power Inc
Fairbanks, AK
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