Hi greg

There was just a thread that discussed you can’t use the scp to program the 
pro. Have to use insight. 
If I understand correctly. 

Hopefully others more knowledgeable will chime in about your other issues too. 

Good luck


> On Jun 11, 2023, at 11:37 AM, greg egan via RE-wrenches 
> <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org> wrote:
>  Friends, 
> I'm currently onsite with a system.  Just replaced 4 XW + 6848's with 4 XW 
> Pros.  Updated the Gateway to rev. 1.17 and the Pros to 2.04.  Have some 
> questions/observations so far.
> System: Off Grid with 4 XW Pros, 18 MPPT 80 600s, 2 SCPs, 1 Gateway, 1 
> Battery Monitor, 1 AGS.  3000 ahr of NiFe batteries.  36 kW Kubota Genset.
> I tried using the Inverter SCP to program settings on the new inverters and 
> it took everything but when I checked on InsightLocal the settings had not 
> changed.  They were all still default so I had to go through it again one at 
> a time through insightlocal.  I'm guessing the SCP no longer works for 
> programming with the Gateway?  Can anyone confirm?  Programming used to work 
> through the SCP with the old XW+ inverters and firmware.  
> Tried using the Solar SCP to change settings on the charge controls but had 
> to use insight local to change each individually.  Used to be able to use  
> the "copy from" function which was a real time saver.  Wondering if anyone 
> else has run into the same problem, or if it works for them, what am I 
> missing?  Is there a cool way to change one setting with insightlocal and get 
> it to change the other 17?  
> Observations:
> - looking at the CC's via insightlocal,
>     under configuration -> advanced ->controls - I set all chargers "enabled" 
> but the next day or so they all go to "disabled".  They all still work 
> though.  Doesn't seem to affect operations.  
>     under configuration -> advanced ->charger settings - I have the first CC 
> set to "primary" and the rest to secondary.  No idea if that's right or not.  
> seems to work.  Options are "stand-alone, primary, secondary and echo".  I 
> could not find definitions in the manual on them.  
> - looking at the XW Pros via insight local,
>     under configuration -> advanced ->controls -> Backup Mode - I disabled 
> BAckup mode since I'm not backing up the grid. System shut down immediately.  
> Backup mode must be enabled when you're off grid.  
> Thanks in advance : )
> Greg Egan
> Remote Power Inc
> Fairbanks, AK
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