Hi gang, let's take any further discussion of Wrench List qualifications 
off-list, please email me directly with any questions or concerns.

First, this is not a NABCEP-only list. If I had to guess, less than half of you 
have pro installer certifications. In fact, this list predates NABCEP and was 
helpful in the creation of NABCEP.  There are plenty of solid installers who 
for whatever reasons have decided not to seek NABCEP certification. 

NABCEP PVIP certification IS an automatic qualification for this list, no 
questions asked. But for list applicants who aren't PVIP certified, I go by 
their stated experience. If I have any reason to doubt that experience, or it 
is on the edge, I have a long list of questions to help me determine pro status 
and experience.

These are things I feel are necessary to keep the level of discussion fairly 

FYI, Ron has been active in this list since 2006, and qualified for the list 
based on his experience installing off-grid systems in British Columbia. 

List sponsored by Redwood Alliance

Pay optional member dues here: http://re-wrenches.org

List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org

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