Yesterday, I was able to upload firmware to the Mate 3s, and the GS4048 and program it for AC coupling.  I did not realize a firmware update would shut down the inverter (makes sense that it does), so that was a bit of a surprise, but all in all it went very well.  The Mate3s firmware was out of date by almost a year, and that did not allow the inverter firmware and its AC coupling capability to be set.  Once I update the Mate3s, I was able to specify AC coupling. Thanks for all the suggestions and I know I will be able to use them in other situations.  Chris

On 11/24/2021 2:39 PM, Christopher Warfel wrote:

Thanks to everyone, the setting I had said AC coupling No. I did not realize that a firmware upgrade could enable that.  I think it is best to try frequency shift for this particular case.  Thanks again to everyone.  Chris

On 11/24/2021 12:38 PM, Tuss, Lones wrote:

Hello Chris

Sorry for the slow response I foolishly took a couple of days of vacation.

I see this system is on Optics. The GS4048A inverter can do AC Coupling with frequency shift. It will need to be upgraded from the current rev of 001.006.063    to      001.007.070 below is a link to that firmware.

Once the new firmware is installed  will need to change the default  Installer password of 1732 to a different 4 digit number after doing so In the inverter you can go to the menu and enable AC Coupling.

Below are instructions for changing the default Installer Password.

please see S-16 in the manual above.

Below is a link to the AC Coupling App Note

I too speak English as my native foreign language below is a link to

Fowlers Modern English Usage

It has helped me to spoke more lucidly and communicate more better. <>

Thanks for using OutBack

Chris you have my #  if you have questions.

Have a good Thanksgiving  and Stay Safe.

Take Care All

*From:* RE-wrenches <> *On Behalf Of *Christopher Warfel
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 23, 2021 9:40 AM
*To:* August Goers <>; RE-wrenches <> *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] Rapid Shutdown Control for a System for a Multimode System Adding an Array to a Subpanel in Garage


*CAUTION:*This email originated from outside of the Company. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

It was tough for me to figure out how to write my email and not make it confusing.

What I am worried about is the microinverter system operating when the utility goes down and the microinverters continuing to operate and charge the batteries as a load.  I need to disconnect the microinverter circuit only when the batteries are fully charged in grid isolated mode.  All the ways I can think of that would normally work to deenergize the microinverters automatically based upon battery voltage won't work.  I can submit a drawing if that would help. I am trying not to run another conductor circuit from the house to the garage.  I realize that would solve the problem, but it is an expensive solution.  English is my foreign native language.

On 11/23/2021 10:39 AM, August Goers wrote:

    Hi Chris - If I'm following you right, you have a PV system on a
    detached garage that ties into a backup subpanel also in the
    garage? The code only requires the RSID (rapid shutdown
    initiation device) to be on the exterior of the building. Would
    it work to put the RSID on the garage exterior? You could route
    your PV circuits to a switch or switches on the exterior of the
    garage on the way down to the sub it ties into. You could also
    use a shunt trip breaker(s) for the PV circuit(s). If for some
    reason you need to have the RSID on the main house, it gets
    trickier. Might need to trench?



    On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 7:24 AM Christopher Warfel
    <> wrote:

        I would appreciate ideas on how to shut down a proposed
        microinverter system on a garage that is 100% serviced by an
        Outback Radian multimode system in the main building that has
        the garage on the back up service panel in the main building.

        Garage has a MLO subpanel that is connected to the multimode
        back up service panel that is in the main building.

        If grid goes down, we need to disconnect the microinverter
        array so it does not overcharge the battery system. If we use
        the battery voltage relay, we will take out all the garage
        circuits, which would disable its heating system, etc. We
        just want to disconnect the microinverter circuit in the
        garage subpanel.

        Does anyone know of a product that could do this. I would
        imagine a transmitter, or perhaps something else besides a
        microinverter array?

        Thanks for any help. Chris

        Christopher Warfel
                         ENTECH Engineering, Inc.
        PO Box 871, Block Island, RI 02807

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                                Christopher Warfel
                 ENTECH Engineering, Inc.
PO Box 871, Block Island, RI 02807

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                Christopher Warfel
                     ENTECH Engineering, Inc.
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            Christopher Warfel
                     ENTECH Engineering, Inc.
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