Dave and Maverick,

Thanks for the info.  Dave,

- Grid support is off.  Was never on.
- inverters were purchased in Sep 2019.  Installed and turned off in Sep 2020.  Finishing installation now. - they worked a few days ago.  sometimes they sell to each other, sometimes they don't.  Last I looked they were behaving.
- all named differently
- are they really no longer supported?  if so it begs the question, how long will anything SE sells be supported?


- only one master
- I may go adding them one at a time if they start selling to each other again.  It MAY be that when I lay the SCP down sometimes I'm laying it too close to the Batt cables and maybe there's some noise generated on the line?  who knows.

Since you like the config tool, do you know how to set the voltages so they're all the same?  It seems like you're supposed to make the inverter you want to adjust the output voltage on,  you're supposed to make that inverter the master.  When I try (even with all the other inverters off) the inverter gives me a fault and shuts off.  I forget the F- number but it's like a naming conflict fault of some sort.

I'm thinking of trying to
- kill power to all the inverters.
- erase anything in the SCP if I can figure out how.
- disconnect all CAT 5 cables from the inverters except the cable to the SCP and the end plug for the one I'm working on. I'm hoping that MAYBE that will allow me to get the voltages within .5 of each other per the manual.  I don't understand why that should matter since they all are connected with AC SYNC cables but it might be the problem.  Who knows?

I've run into another problem fwiw.  We're trying to charge a NiFe battery bank at 66 VDC.  The SCP and the inverters show a hi batt voltage warning sometimes and even go in to fault sometimes.  That's supposed to happen at 68VDC.  I've never seen that on my Fluke 187 or on the SCP.  It's tough enough to get it to 66v.  I may have seen it @ 66.5 but never 68.  Does anyone know what the real programmed HBCO is for these inverters because it's definitely not 68.  Just wondering if anyone else has found a solution.  Inverters shutting on HBCO is not a really cool feature.

On the 80/600 Charge controllers I've gotten a weird error, something like HiFastOCErr.  It's supposed to be when the CC is putting out over 140 amps DC for more than 5 seconds.  It stops the CC from charging which is also not a cool feature.  No way of course it's putting out 140 amps or even close.  Anyone know what this really means?  I'm guessing that it means the CC is putting out more than 4800 watts.  I set the Percent Charge to 90% just to see if that helps.  72 amps X 66 VDC is just under 4800 so we'll see if it works.

I'll try to make a post of all the errors and ommisions I find on the XW+ and Connext gear I'm working on, especially if I figure out how the gear actually works and what the error/fault/warnings really mean.

Thanks very much for writing, I really appreciate it.  Sorry for the slow response to comments today - comm issues.

Greg Egan
Remote Power Inc.
From: greg egan <g...@remotepowerinc.com>
To: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Subject: [RE-wrenches] 4 XW+ 6848 with AC Coupling problem

The XW+ inverters are selling to
each other.? XW+'s are disconnected from the load and from generator
input.? System is off grid.? When I switch the ATS the inverters are
supposed to pick up the load.? ~ 12 kW, maybe 18 worst case.? They are
selling to each other and when I make the switch the lights flicker and
the inverters go off, then they try to go on, and go off, etc.

Sync cables are hooked up.? 4 XW+ and 1 SCP on one xanbus network. No
gateway hooked up at this time.? PV will be on it's own Xbus network.?
Not planning on using the Gateway if I can help it.

Thanks for any light you can shed on this.? Not sure why Schneider would
ever want their inverters to sell to each other


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 13:30:13 -0700
From: Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar <offgridso...@sti.net>
To: "RE-wrenches" <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org>
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 XW+ 6848 with AC Coupling problem
Message-ID: <03332e63e95983efcc841f3a8a579ed4@>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

If they are selling you need to verify that grid support
is off!. There are so many settings that interact. By default it was.

will ask, these are old units right? Did they ever work right? Is the
firmware the same on all and do they have different ID numbers for the
network? You may try going back to defaults. There really is not enough
info in your post to go further.

XW+ are out of support for US split phase
and replaced with XWP about a year back. How old are they?

If it were me,
I would make sure that 2 of the units work correctly first. Take all other
xw's off xanbus/Sync and test.
Good Luck !

Dave Angelini Offgrid
"we go where powerlines
text 209 813 0060


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 15:46:36 -0500
From: Maverick Brown <maver...@mavericksolar.com>
To: RE-wrenches <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org>
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 XW+ 6848 with AC Coupling problem
Message-ID: <604448c0-3ee2-461f-b5ee-d7382e229...@mavericksolar.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

It?s a good idea to make sure only one set as Master the others are slave. 
Start by adding one slave at a time. Turn off Search, Charger and Grid Support 
until you know they are playing happy.

I prefer using the XW Config and walking through the wizard, but you can use 
Multi Unit setup, which will put everything in standby. I have several 8-12 
unit XW sites 3-4 Inverters, SCP, AGS and Combox/ Gateway, etc.

It can be done.

Maverick Brown
Off-Grid Solar Commander since 2006
Maverick Solar Enterprises, Inc.
  ? Solar Commander Remote Power
  ? SunFlow Systems Cathodic Protection

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