Hi William,
Thanks for posting the links to your studies. With CA NEM. 2.0 customers
forced into TOU rate schedule, I have been wondering if you have done an
analysis on whether TOU-C (peak 4-9 everyday) or TOU-D (peak 5-8 weekdays)
is a better pair with solar?


I am leaning towards TOU-D but haven't done an in-depth analysis. Clearly
there isn't going to be much solar generation during peak hours regardless.

Tel: 336.266.8800

On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 9:54 AM Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar <
offgridso...@sti.net> wrote:

> You guy's all know that utility is not going to get easier to understand.
> It is going the other way and has been! Some of the AG solar guy's below me
> in the greatest growing region in the world are probably the best. I can
> dig up some of their names from the AG shows on radio KMJ in Fresno. The 5
> am AG show has alot of solar on it and you can stream it.
> I am away for a few days but will post something when I get back. Here is
> a link to KMJ and to the AG solar company.
> https://www.kmjnow.com/on-air-schedule/
> https://pickettsolar.com/industries/agribusiness/
> *Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
> "we go where powerlines don't"
> http://members.sti.net/offgridsolar/ <http://members.sti.net/offgridsolar/>
> e-mail  offgridso...@sti.net <offgridso...@sti.net>
> text 209 813 0060*
> On Sun, 2 May 2021 07:15:55 -0700, frenergy <frene...@psln.com> wrote:
> Jerry,
>             That's the easy answer but this all gets really deep into
> weeds as unless you're a PG&E smart meter (and we *really* trust them),
> you don't know when that E-6 baseline is crossed to know when you're
> getting or paying the higher rate.  There's 2 things going on, baseline and
> time-of-use.  Customer usage, cloudy days plus other variables make a
> precise calculation impossible.  A customer might enter the
> higher-than-baseline rate halfway into the month and then low consumption
> and sunny days pulls the customer back below baseline, paying the lower
> rate.
>             So many headaches, William, I've tried to figure all this out
> on paper but have relied more on raw experience of what works to zero-out
> one's bill which with E6 can easily happen with less KWhrs produced than
> consumed.
>             I would love to talk to wrenches who can help me with decent
> rates for AG pumping and the AG-solar destroyer: demand charges.
> Bill
> Feather River Solar Electric
> Bill Battagin, Owner
> 4291 Nelson St.
> Taylorsville, CA 95983
> 530.284.7849
> CA Lic 874049www.frenergy.net
> On 5/1/2021 3:16 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote:
> Wrenches
> Currently with PG&E , you buy and sell at what ever rate you are on, Peak
> = peak, off peak =off peak,
> On Sat, May 1, 2021, 3:02 PM William Miller <will...@millersolar.com>
> wrote:
> Friends:
> After years of not quite understanding the intricacies of the newer, more
> complicated utility rate schedules I have spent the last 72 hours diving
> deeply into the rabbit hole.  I have one question I need answered.  Maybe
> someone has the answer.
> If you are on a tiered electric utility rate I know you pay more for
> energy after you exceed certain daily amounts—the baseline.  I am clear
> that if you avoid paying the higher rates, the value of the energy you
> generate is equal to the money you save.  However if you ratchet your daily
> usage below zero and are net-exporting for part of a day, at what value are
> you credited in an NEM contract?
> Is it:  You get the baseline rate no matter how much energy you export.
> Or is it:  After you export more than the baseline rate, you start getting
> credited at the over-baseline rate.
> Or is it something different altogether.
> If anyone knows the answer to this arcane question I would be very
> grateful to learn it.  It may vary from utility to utility or plan to
> plan.  PG&E E-6 is the tiered rate I most commonly encounter.
> If any of you are particularly masochistic you can review some work I have
> published on the subject here:
> https://millersolar.com/MillerSolar/case_studies/28_UtilityRates/UtilityRates.html
> This is an intricate subject and I believe anyone working in grid-tied
> solar should have at least a passing familiarity with the topic.  It
> affects the realized benefits of investing in grid-tied solar.
> Thanks again for being the great group of friends that you are.
> William Miller
> Miller Solar
> 17395 Oak Road, Atascadero, CA 93422
> 805-438-5600
> www.millersolar.com
> CA Lic. 773985
> On 5/1/2021 12:46 PM, William Miller wrote:
> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=emailclient&utm_term=icon>
>  Virus-free.
> www.avast.com
> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=emailclient&utm_term=link>
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