AEE Solar sold NiFe batteries from Russia in the late 1990s.  They last a
long time but were hard to use with inverters.  A 12 volt pack has 10
cells. Each cell reaches full charge at 1.7 volts so the pack would be at
17 volts. that is 68 volts in a 48 volt pack.  inverters turn off for
over-voltage before that.  When they are operating the cells are at 1.2
volts.  The charge efficiency is about 60% when you look at watt hours in
vs. watt hours out.  They also use a lot of distilled water.  I had a set
that required watering every 3 weeks.  I did not keep up with watering once
and one of the cells exploded when the water level got below the plates.
I would suggest L-ion batteries instead.
David Katz

On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 10:37 AM Ray <> wrote:

> Charge efficiency is really low,  Charging parameters can be hard to get
> right, Voltage is not stable under heavy loads, and they are really
> expensive to boot.  I've never sold them for these reasons, but I have
> replaced some sets that customers were unhappy with.  They seem to work OK,
> only if there are no large surge loads, and the battery and array are sized
> large enough.  Unfortunately because of the cost, folks seem to really
> under size them, which only exasperates the above issues.
> There's good reasons this old battery chemistry has not been widely
> adopted by the solar industry.  It does have its place, and I understand
> the train industry uses it because A) they have cheap on grid charging
> available, so efficiency doesn't matter, and B) they have telecomm type
> loads with very little surge.
> Ray Walters
> Remote Solar
> 303 505-8760
> On 11/21/18 10:55 AM, wrote:
> Hi Guys, I have a potential customer inquiring about installing a pre
> packaged Iron Edison system.. I recall hearing strange stories about Ni-Fe
> batteries but don't recall the specifics. I have done a few searches with
> mixed results.. And have friends advising I run like a Rabbit.. Thought I'd
> run it by you folks for an update..
> Thanks, and Happy Turkey Day.
> db
> Dan Brown
> Foxfire Energy Corp.
> Renewable Energy Systems
> (802)-483-2564
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