
I sure hope you are not implying that I don’t get my hands dirty, or that I
am looking for some kind of shortcut, because your message kind of implies
that.  I have been in the trades since 1973.  I have been licensed since
1990.  I have bent EMT, rigid steel, rigid aluminum and PVC.  I have
installed vapor proof, explosion proof and motor control circuits. I have
roped new houses and have done lots of old-work.  I have installed
microwave dishes, spliced waveguide, rebuilt transmitters and installed
video and audio distribution equipment-- complete with ladder rack and
fiber optics raceway.  We have installed hundreds of PV systems, most of
them off-grid, and established somewhat of a reputation for quality
work…….   I hope you get the picture.

Getting one’s hands dirty is only part of the answer.  Engaging your brain,
using the best tools you can find and reaching out to other professionals
is the other part of the equation.

In our trade, a contractor does not bend conduit all day every day.  We
sometimes go weeks without touching a stick of pipe.  Therefore, we have to
keep thinking and keep training.

This is why I reached out to the Wrenches for advice.  I hope we can keep
the Wrenches forum as a safe place to ask for advice without fear of being

Most Sincerely,

William Miller

[image: Gradient Cap_mini]
Lic 773985 <>

*From:* RE-wrenches [] *On
Behalf Of *Jerry Shafer
*Sent:* Sunday, November 04, 2018 6:37 PM
*To:* RE-wrenches
*Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] Conduit Bending

There is no substitute for practice, Utube videos only go so far, get some
pipe and a bender and start working. It's interesting how everyone is
looking for the key to learning how to do most everything that is hard, the
key is practice, get your hands dirty and you will be impressed by what you
can do.


On Fri, Nov 2, 2018, 4:00 PM Dana <> wrote:

I too have been perplexed on the art of conduit bending. One of my favorite
master electricians in CO suggested that I go online & get a DVD & book
with tips & calcs that he makes available to his apprentices.

Relatively cheap compared to experimenting/guessing - time & a pile of
odd-looking material attempts.

It was completely worth the $100+/- I spent.

I checked on Amazon & it looked like it was there still there.

*Conduit Bending Program with DVD AND Bending Charts Book Supplement – 2016

I am still learning but it’s lots easier.


Dana Orzel                              Great Solar Works, Inc.

*C - 208.721.7003             

Idaho Contractor - # 028765         Idaho PV # 028374

NABCEP # 051112-136             

*"Responsible Technologies for Responsible People since 1988"  *

*P* Please consider the environment before printing this email.

*From:* RE-wrenches <> *On Behalf
Of *
*Sent:* Friday, November 02, 2018 2:56 PM
*To:* RE-wrenches <>
*Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] Conduit Bending

On Friday, November 2, 2018 12:40pm, "Michael Morningstar" <> said:


When one is doing a lot of bending of rigid conduit, where the finished
length of pipe needs to be determined, after all bends are made, and
threading happens first due to bends interfering with the threading
machine, one develops a DOPE sheet. The term being borrowed from long
distance marksmanship, Data On Previous Engagements. One bends scrap pipe
to various angles, and by making marks where the bender makes contact with
both stub marks, and the 45 degree and saddle marks, a cheat sheet can be
developed to help with arriving at desired stub lengths and calculating
“shrink”, the amount that a length of pipe shortens after bends are made.
Similarly a DOPE sheet can be made, or trigonometry can be used when making
concentric bends and segmented bending.

That was the world I inhabited for a decade and a half. Now days, if I get
into that situation, bend and cut : )


On Nov 2, 2018, at 12:23 PM, Ray <> wrote:

I usually do the bend and cut method, because it really is faster and EMT
is cheap.  Look how much time you are already cooking doing research and
exploring various apps, etc?  I too have wanted to be the cool pro, and
bend to exact measurements, but alas, the sun is setting much sooner now,
and I need to get the job done.  Also, I recently picked up a nifty reamer
attachment that chucks up in a cordless drill and finishes the cut end
nicely.  Between that and my porta band saw,  the bend and cut method is
faster and the finished job is just as good.  Actually I just switched to
Metal Clad 6-3 for my PV runs, and it seems better as well.

I look forward to hearing what other more accomplished conduit smiths have
to offer, though.

Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760

On 11/2/18 12:18 PM, William Miller wrote:


I am always trying to improve my conduit bending skills.  I came upon this
scenario and need some input:

I am bending stubs at less than 90 degrees.  How do I calculate stub
heights at less than 90 degrees?  I am using the old
bend-it-longer-and-cut-it-to-length method but that does not suit my
personal style.  I want to make a mark, bend from it and have it fit.

I have searched on line and purchased several IOS apps for conduit
bending.  None of my research has turned up an answer.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Lic 773985 <>

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