Here in northern New York fuel oil deliveries are a fact of life
They can put you in auto delivery or you can order as you need it 
Home heating oil = diesel with fewer taxes here
K1 kerosene is much cleaner, actually clear
In this state they dye it for tax reasons
Don’t get caught with it in a diesel truck tank ! The state will bend you over 
Easy to get delivered and use


> On Aug 29, 2018, at 2:00 PM, Dan Fink <> wrote:
> Do people fill up their tanks with 5 gallon jugs of it hauled home in the 
> back of their pickup trucks? That doesn't sound very safe. Or is there some 
> sort of kerosene delivery truck that makes the rounds?
> No such thing exists here on the Colorado Front Range that I know of.
> Dan Fink
> Professor of Solar Energy Technology, Ecotech Institute
> IREC Certified Instructor™ for: 
> ~ PV Installation Professional
> ~ Small Wind Installer
> Executive Director, Buckville Energy
> NABCEP Registered Continuing Education Providers™
> NABCEP Associate
> 970.672.4342
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 10:25 AM RE Ellison <> wrote:
>> If you relatively open floor plan I have been using the monitor heaters 
>> another one is the toyo brand
>> They get burning air from outside and exhaust outside warming the incoming 
>> air at the same time
>> They run on K1 kerosene and are very efficient 
>> They are a phantom load but what they save in fuel used over a standard 
>> furnace is very very considerable
>> Seems I remember that used to be 650 W to start for a few minutes and then 
>> 115 W to run
>> I have several customers using them with good results
>> Mine cut my fuel use by about 150 gallons a year to just about 275 gallons a 
>> year
>> No inspectors have a problem with them in this area.
>> Your inspector may vary, like mileage statements !
>> Bob Ellison
>>> On Aug 28, 2018, at 11:32 AM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Drake, look at home depot for the Empire brand of small wall furnaces. They 
>>> use zero power (old style thermo like a water heater) and can be legal as 
>>> primary source of heat for building code. They vent out a wall and are very 
>>> easy. Many of my clients use them to get legal and then use wood heating. 
>>> Good luck!
>>> Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
>>> "we go where powerlines don't"
>>> e-mail
>>> text 209 813 0060
>>>> On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 16:36:45 -0400, Drake 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello Wrenches,
>>>> What is the best choice for a propane, forced air furnace for an off grid 
>>>> house? We would prefer one that doesn't have a phantom load, although the 
>>>> transformer for the thermostat may not be avoidable. Low blower current 
>>>> would be preferable. The furnace AC will be powered by a Magnum 4448 PAE.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Drake 
>>>> Drake Chamberlin
>>>> Athens Electric LLC
>>>> OH License 44810
>>>> CO License 3773
>>>> NABCEP Certified Solar PV 
>>>> 740-448-7328
>>> -- 
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