Thanks Bill, I am not worried about the rail warranty. My focus is to provide roof access for maintenance or firefighters, so that is why we extend the rail. The shingles can take a beating during any maintenance procedure and the extended rails provide a place to put one's feet without slipping.  These are RS compliant multimode systems, (dc). I could have thought this out differently, but the other options would have cantilevered the rail and I did not feel comfortable doing that. Chris

On 6/11/2018 11:13 PM, frenergy wrote:

Many times when we get close to the end of a 'rail run', mounting PVs, when the rail's end is still far enough away from the second or third from the last PV, we will measure exactly where the outside edge of the last PV will land.  We then undo 1 or 2 of the bolts attached to feet, pull the rail away from the roof a few inches and cut it there with a 6" cordless 'skilsaw' (clean cut and very little vibration using carbide blade) . Because we use PLP P8 rail (formerly DPW) we re-bolt rail to feet and secure the very last PV's  edge with their back of frame flange clamp, P/N P8-ECU.  All this ends up either flush with or inside the end of the rail/PV edge.

            Does painting new or anodized aluminum qualify for the tail-light warranty?


Feather River Solar Electric
Bill Battagin, Owner
4291 Nelson St.
Taylorsville, CA 95983
CA Lic 874049
On 6/11/2018 10:08 AM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
We have been painting mill finish aluminum flashings for one large repeat customer, and I can tell you that it doesn't look great. I strongly question the long-term efficacy of this practice. But the customer is always right... so we do it despite our protests. I would refuse for a one-off job. I only do it because we have a contract for hundreds of homes and my bargaining position is not good.

How much rail is really exposed anyway?  We use Unirac's pro style end clamps the rails don't really stick out much anyway. Or use BoB panes with black rails and clamps.


On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 11:10 AM cwarfel < <>> wrote:

A customer has asked that I look into painting the exposed parts of the anodized rails on their roof mounted system to more closely match the shingles. (New construction, we did not know what the shingle color was going to be, and I have to say, I did not ask).  Has anyone any experience with this?  Thank you for any help. Chris


         Christopher Warfel, PE
       ENTECH Engineering, Inc.
PO Box 871, Block Island, RI 02807

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         Christopher Warfel, PE
       ENTECH Engineering, Inc.
PO Box 871, Block Island, RI 02807

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