WrenchesI think its in the inverter or battery but somewhere before it leaves 
the inverter flickering lights indicates the inverter is seeing the issue up 
close, a 4 k inverter is 33 amps AC but Over 166 from the 24 volt batteries if 
the load if half that with lights and inverter is strugling need to look at the 
battery voltage including cable drop. I have seen this quite a few times over 
the years.Jerry

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Darryl Thayer <darylsol...@gmail.com> 
Date: 2/9/18  5:25 PM  (GMT-10:00) 
To: RE-wrenches <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org> 
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] 1/2 HP well pump soft start at 120 VAC 

Dana my 1/2 HP 240 volt pump draws about < 2 amps, which is maybe 3.3 amps if 
it is 120 volts.  I wonder if the high volt drop is leaving your pump in locked 
rotor for a long time, in which case a soft start will not help.  Perhaps a 
buck-boost transformer  (about 150 watts) boosting 16% would get the pump 
started faster?  Do the wire size and length for calculating volt drop.  then 
use a 3.3 amp soft start.       
On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 6:24 PM,  <penobscotso...@midmaine.com> wrote:
Hi Dana,

   We have been using Grundfos SQ-O 1/2 hp, 5 GPM (or they have a 10 GPM

model) soft start pumps for years, with great outcomes. We have sold 60

or so over the years with no returns.


> Hey all you solar wise guys,




> I am looking for a recommendation based on your experience, not just data

> sheets for a 120 volt-9.8 amp-1/2HP well pump soft starter. Every time the

> well pump starts the SW4024 groans and the lights flicker.




> There are a lot of units that claim to soft start a ½ HP, but the reality

> is

> that they claim ½ HP but are limited to 3.3 amp+/- output. I asked how

> this

> is and was met with the usual, “gee gosh I am not sure.” I have one in

> hand

> now from ABB that is guilty of this claim.




> Some units claim to meet the spec but then you must limit the wire length

> to

> 30 meters. The well is 150’ from the house & 120 ft deep so a 270’ wire

> run

> with what the well guy threw in 18 years ago. VFW cable [multi strand

> cable]

> is a partial answer but not down in the well.


> Somewhere down the road the inverter & the well pump will get replaced but

> for now it is working. The newer 3PH wild AC drives are amazing on a

> Radian

> Inverter. You cannot even tell the well is pumping till it has been for a

> while and the fans kick on.




> Suggestions & directions that have proven reliable for you?


> Thanks.






> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Dana Orzel                              Great Solar Works, Inc.


> C - 208.721.7003                       d...@solarwork.com


> Idaho Contractor - # 028765         Idaho PV # 028374


> NABCEP # 051112-136                       www.solarwork.biz

> <http://www.solarwork.biz>


> "Responsible Technologies for Responsible People since 1988"


> P Please consider the environment before printing this email.






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