Hi Dana,
   We have been using Grundfos SQ-O 1/2 hp, 5 GPM (or they have a 10 GPM
model) soft start pumps for years, with great outcomes. We have sold 60
or so over the years with no returns.


> Hey all you solar wise guys,

> I am looking for a recommendation based on your experience, not just data
> sheets for a 120 volt-9.8 amp-1/2HP well pump soft starter. Every time the
> well pump starts the SW4024 groans and the lights flicker.
> There are a lot of units that claim to soft start a ½ HP, but the reality
> is
> that they claim ½ HP but are limited to 3.3 amp+/- output. I asked how
> this
> is and was met with the usual, “gee gosh I am not sure.” I have one in
> hand
> now from ABB that is guilty of this claim.
> Some units claim to meet the spec but then you must limit the wire length
> to
> 30 meters. The well is 150’ from the house & 120 ft deep so a 270’ wire
> run
> with what the well guy threw in 18 years ago. VFW cable [multi strand
> cable]
> is a partial answer but not down in the well.
> Somewhere down the road the inverter & the well pump will get replaced but
> for now it is working. The newer 3PH wild AC drives are amazing on a
> Radian
> Inverter. You cannot even tell the well is pumping till it has been for a
> while and the fans kick on.
> Suggestions & directions that have proven reliable for you?
> Thanks.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dana Orzel                              Great Solar Works, Inc.
> C - 208.721.7003                       d...@solarwork.com
> Idaho Contractor - # 028765         Idaho PV # 028374
> NABCEP # 051112-136                       www.solarwork.biz
> <http://www.solarwork.biz>
> "Responsible Technologies for Responsible People since 1988"
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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