Hi Jay,
   My advice is walk away unless they want to meet your terms. You will
save yourself a tremendous amount of trouble/waiting/lost sleep/lost
money. I do 50% of my business internationally, mostly in the
Caribbean. If they do not accept my very reasonable terms (prepay for
all materials, 50% labor due upon the start of the project, balance due
on completion) they are highly unlikely to be on the up and up with
   As best possible, deal with known entities, take deposits through wire
transfers to your account and do not put yourself in a position to be
taken advantage of in a way that you cannot afford. If they want
quality, they must understand they have to pay for it. I have designed
six systems over the past fifteen years in Mexico and not one has come
to fruition. It was my time wasted, but nothing else.

Daryl DeJoy

> Pre-build it in a shipping container here! Have them pay for it all and
> inspect before shipment. They can keep a small portion for your final
> labor, travel, and expenses in a 2-way escrow account. When you are safely
> home you get the final amount and they get back an amount that is more
> than the amount you received. It is not cheap to set something like this
> up so collect a fee at the start!
> You have to do something to protect your most valuable treasure!
> Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
> "we go where powerlines don't"
> http://members.sti.net/offgridsolar/
> e-mail  offgridso...@sti.net
> text 209 813 0060
>> Ho Jay,
>> I’d be extremely careful.
>> First with your pricing, don’t forgive some of your legitimate costs.
>> Add Shipping & Handling and taxes to all equipment purchases. Carefully
>> estimate your labor costs, travel to Mexico, shipping across the border
>> to
>> Mexico. Are there any import costs? What will be other “costs of doing
>> business”?
>> Second, you know what it costs to run your business. Add the appropriate
>> overhead and general and administrative costs. Office staff and your
>> salary; insurance; and other indirect costs. You might tell them what
>> your
>> indirect cost schedule is (e.g. 15% on PV panels, inverters,  batteries
>> and any other hardware; 10% on wages and other fees), and if they
>> don’t
>> agree, decline to do business with them.
>> Third, I’d set up a progress payment schedule. Arrange for payment in
>> in
>> $US bank draft (be careful of bogus bank drafts) or other form of
>> payment
>> you are confortable with.
>> Fourth, does your existing insurance policies cover equipment and auto
>> theft (in Mexico)? Get a rider if it doesn’t.
>> Fifth, don’t provide them with any design information prior to signing
>> a
>> contract.
>> Peter T. Parrish
>> SolarGnosis
>> 1107 Fair Oaks Ave. Ste. 351
>> South Pasadena, CA 91030
>> (323) 839-6108
>> peter.parr...@solargnosis.com
>> From: jay
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 11:44 AM
>> To: RE-wrenches
>> Subject: [RE-wrenches] has anyone ever had this happen?
>> HI All,
>> I’ve had a large company want to do a project and they want me to
>> invoice it as follows.  They said it had to do with knowing the cost of
>> the system, but that doesn’t seem right to me. Now I don’t want to
>> get
>> screwed here, and it sure seems that could happen.
>> I’m pretty sure I know what you all will say, but I feel like I needed
>> to get a bit of a reality check.
>> As I mostly do projects on a handshake, dealing with large companies
>> isn’t too common for me.
>> 1. give them wholesale pricing ( line item by item)
>> 2. add margin, but small one is all they’ll accept
>> Project is an off grid, no permits, in Mexico, remote site and pretty
>> big:
>>  16kw inverter, 9kw PV, etc.
>> Thanks
>> jay
>> peltz power
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> Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
> "we go where powerlines don't"
> http://members.sti.net/offgridsolar/
> e-mail  offgridso...@sti.net
> text 209 813 0060
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