I am installing SolarWorld 285 w modules for our new home on Array
Technologies dual axis trackers [we are in a canyon].

The side rails of the frames are typical with a flange however the short end
frame is this little kind of “I” beam that does not allow for any wire

I am wondering what other folks have done in this situation, short of
drilling the module frame?

SnapnRack has a ¾” thick clamp that creates a 7/8” min gap between the
module columns that is rather unsightly.




Dana Orzel                       Great Solar Works, Inc. 

208.721.7003                       d...@solarwork.com

Idaho Contractor - # 028765          Idaho PV # 028374

NABCEP # 051112-136                       www.solarwork.biz

"Responsible Technologies for Responsible People since 1988"  

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