Solid advice from both Ray and Allan.

Switching to a sine-wave inverter will solve the controller issue, but not
the 300W glow bar draining the batteries. Switching to a Peerless-Premier
would solve that problem, or use an old Wedgewood range like I do. My
6-burner/two oven gas Wedgewood from the early 40’s works great, and will
likely last for centuries, but it does take 4 gorillas to move the damn
thing. It must weigh 600 lbs, although I’ve never weighed it.


AEE Solar

*From:* RE-wrenches [] *On
Behalf Of *Allan Sindelar
*Sent:* Monday, September 19, 2016 4:26 PM
*To:* RE-wrenches
*Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] Issue with DR1512 and oven

Ray's advice is sound, and I'll add: that 14 year old inverter is likely to
last forever, and that's not a reason to keep using it. It's almost
certainly the crude waveform that's causing the issues.
If range replacement remains the only option, talk with Peerless-Premier ( As of my last contact with them a few years ago,
they still make unadvertised models with circuit boards that were designed
for original Trace mod-square inverters and have no glow bars for the oven.
Our family home has a decent Pro series (stainless front with sealed
burners) with electric igniters and no glow bar.

*Allan Sindelar*
** <>
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
NABCEP Certified Technical Sales Professional
New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician
Founder (Retired), Positive Energy, Inc.
*505 780-2738 cell*

On 9/19/2016 4:46 PM, Kristopher Schmid wrote:

Thanks Ray,

This is a circa 2002 inverter.  I may just tell them to go to a pilot light
stove model (hate to waste gas, ya know).


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 5:39 PM, Ray Walters <**
<>> wrote:

Sounds like ovens have gotten more complicated over the years.  As soon as
I read "control board" and modified sine wave, I cringe.  The good old DR
inverters worked great, I even ran my own shop on one for several years
back in the 90s.  I for the most part quit selling them though, as even
though most equipment worked on the mod sine, we started noticing premature
failures.  I would attribute this to the extra heat generated by all the
extra harmonic distortion.  Sorry I can't recommend an oven; they probably
would be better going to something older form Craig's list with no AC
connection at all.

R.Ray Walters

CTO, Solarray, Inc

Nabcep Certified PV Installer,

Licensed Master Electrician

Solar Design Engineer

*303 505-8760* <303%20505-8760>

On 9/19/2016 4:35 PM, Kristopher Schmid wrote:

Hi Wrenches,

I have a client that has blown out 2 control boards on their oven in the
last few months.  The appliance is a Whirlpool Model WFG515S0EW0 powered by
a Xantrex DR1512.  Since this is an off-grid home, i recommended that they
get an LP stove with no oven glow bar and this was the unit that the
appliance company supplied.

Has anyone seen this before (i am assuming incompatibility of the circuitry
with the modified sine wave output)?

Can you recommend another model that has been tried and true (preferably

Thanks tons,



Shine On!

Kris Schmid
Legacy Solar, LLC
864 Clam Falls Trail
Frederic, WI 54837
** <>
*715-653-4295* <715-653-4295>
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
Licensed Wisconsin Master Electrician


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Shine On! Kris Schmid Legacy Solar, LLC 864 Clam Falls Trail Frederic, WI
54837 ** <> 715-653-4295
NABCEP Certified PV Installer Licensed Wisconsin Master Electrician BSEE


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