OK Steve now you got me thinking,
Some would say that's a bad idea!

Using the voltage settings you're speaking of what would you recommend for 
equalize charging ?

I have always thought that different settings for different times of year was 
logical but you're getting your bulk up you know what I would normally consider 
to be a low side of the equalization charge.

Understood that rolls charge differently than a lot of other batteries I 
believe it's due to plate density?

bob ellison

> On Jan 19, 2016, at 8:52 AM, Steve Higgins <st...@surrette.com> wrote:
> Good Morning Wrenches…
> I’d like to take the recent Trojan thread to throw this out there!
> With the IEC certification, many battery manufactures are being forced to 
> recommend higher settings to charge their batteries.   The problem with off 
> grid systems, or even some grid back up systems is the settings can/will vary 
> from end user to end user and can be very difficult to determine.   Try to 
> avoid setting up a system and assuming that those settings will be good year 
> round as settings in most systems need to adjusted at least twice, sometimes 
> up to three times a year.
> For example, we are almost finished with IEC testing, the way they do this 
> testing in short is they take a battery, charge it to full using mfg 
> suggested settings, discharge it to 100% and they cycle the battery until it 
> comes to full capacity.    Don’t quote me, but IEC testing requires the 
> batteries to come to full charge within the first 8-10 cycles.   To do so, 
> you need to be very aggressive on the charging settings.
> Now, most customers don’t cycle to 100% depth of discharge so end users don’t 
> need to be so aggressive on charger settings, but we will be publishing 
> revised charging parameters and instructions in the coming quarter.   Bottom 
> line, Bulk/Absorb Voltages @ 25 Deg C you will be advised to charge the Rolls 
> Batteries at 2.45 to 2.5vpc.  This number will vary based on how much the 
> customer is using the system.  A weekender cabin with a decent sized  array 
> (<10% of C20 Charge Current) will need closer to 2.4 to 2.45vpc, while a full 
> timer (daily heavy cycles)  will need a setting closer to the 2.5vpc rating.  
> Remember, regardless of where you are in the world, unless the batteries are 
> installed in a temperature controlled room where it fluctuates less than ½  
> degree C, you should ALWAYS, ALWAYS use battery temperature compensation.   
> Failure to do so, will always result in premature failure of the batteries.
> Settings are generally a suggestion, the problem is they (customers) should 
> be looking at the SG’s at least on a quarterly basis and adjusting settings 
> when necessary.   Lower trending SG equal higher settings, higher SG equal 
> lower settings.  I find that too many people set up settings and forget them, 
> until they have a problem.   Normally I find with most customers they should 
> have a bit lower settings from April to Sept, while settings should be higher 
> from Oct thru March.  
> Remember, the battery companies you are dealing with generally don’t have a 
> lot of experience in solar… they are used to industrial applications where 
> you see 8-12 hours of charging every single day.    We all know that in most 
> Off grid systems you are lucky to get 3-5 hours, at best of decent charging a 
> day.
> Steve Higgins
> Technical Services Manager
> P: +1.902.597.4020
> M: +1.206.790.5840
> F: +1.902.597.8447
> Surrette Battery Company
> Exclusive manufacturer of
> <rollsae305d>
> From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On 
> Behalf Of Theo Van
> Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 8:44 PM
> To: RE-wrenches
> Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Trojan L-16 charge settings
> No "settings recommend by Trojn"were shown. 
> On Jan 18, 2016, at 6:43 PM, William Miller <will...@millersolar.com> wrote:
> Colleagues:
> I have an off-grid customer for whom I replaced a set of 8 Trojan L-16s as 
> well as upgrading her inverter and charge controller.  Right after the job, 
> we found several batteries with low specific gravity.  We spoke with the 
> local distributor and received two replacement batteries.
> The system continues to perform poorly.  The customer EQs every 30 days to 60 
> plus volts for 3 hours.  They try to get a full bulk and absorption charge in 
> every day but this time of year may not. The specific gravity readings 
> continue to diverge and generally go lower.
> We contacted the distributor who told us they have had problems with Trojan 
> batteries since the company was sold about two years ago.  We were told they 
> had a brand X battery that tested better than the Trojans.  We agreed to try 
> the Brand X but then were told that we had not charged the Trojans 
> adequately.  Below are the settings recommended directly by Trojan
> These settings are significantly higher than any I have used before.  Also, I 
> don’t recall it being possible to set different bulk and absorption voltages 
> with any of the equipment I use.  I use Trace, Outback, Schneider default 
> settings of 57.6 bulk, 54.4 float and reprogram to 60.5 for equalization.
> I am curious about what charge settings you find successful for flooded 
> lead-acid batteries and what any of you might think about the recommended 
> settings as seen below. Do you feel it is practical to achieve these settings 
> in an off-grid scenario?  Would these high settings cause excessive water 
> consumption?
> Thanks in advance.
> William Miller
> <image001.jpg>
> Lic 773985
> millersolar.com
> 805-438-5600
> I looked at the spreadsheet and the SG. readings across each battery are 
> uniform which tells be that it is highly unlikely that anything is wrong with 
> the batteries except for being under-charged. Take a look at our User’s Guide 
> on the Trojan website on page 19  ( Recommended Charge Profile) or FLA 
> batteries.
> The Bulk stage should be @ 59.3V, Absorb @ 58.8V, Float @ 54V and 
> Equalization @ 64.8V. When the User notices drops in the SG such as in this 
> document, an EQ charge should be performed in order to get the batteries back 
> up to full charge (full charge SG being in the range of 1.270 to 1.280. When 
> performing the EQ, the user should take SG reading for a “pilot” battery 
> every 30 minutes until the voltages reach that range. Termination should 
> happen when SG reaches full charge range or if battery temperature reaches 
> 112 degrees F, which-ever comes first. SG readings can be taken during EQ, 
> but you have to make sure that you bump the tiny gas bubbles off the 
> Hydrometer float to prevent erroneous readings.
> Seeing the SG readings decreasing after each month is an indication that 
> maybe the Absorb Time needs to be increased, maybe from 3 hours up to 4 or 5 
> hours.
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