I made myself a guinea pig on Iron Edison NiFe cells this year, before I
try to install them for any customer. I have now about 90 days on them.
1.65 volts per cell charging is what they want and need. PV controllers
MPPT type are fine with this. just change the settings (assuming the sun is
. Inverter/chargers are not fine, at least not my Magnum OMG! over 1.6v per
cell!! Overvoltage! Shut down!
So I have rewired battery bank as recommended by Mrf with 9 cells at 1.2v
instead of 10 cells. And now with my 10.8v battery bank I get surge low
voltage wonky waveform hits from the fridge turning on, etc. that reboot
 the satellite internet, tv etc.
My plan is to add another 1kw of solar here for an increase of 50% and rely
more on the incoming PV that can bring it all up to 1.65v per cell rather
than the generator that can't do it thanks to the inverter firmware.
 I think my new NiFe batteries will do just great in the long run. But
their charge/discharge behavior is a continuing lesson. And I am SO glad to
learn these lessons myself, instead of in front of a critical customer.

Dan Fink
Buckville Energy
IREC Certified Instructor™ for:
~ PV Installation Professional
~ Small Wind Installer
NABCEP / IREC / ISPQ Accredited Continuing Education Providers™

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 6:55 PM, jay <jay.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> HI Tom,
> They are considered 1.2v nominal.
> Charge range is up to 1.7v per cell.
> For a 24v system usually you pull out 1 cell or 19 cells 19 x 1.7 = 32.3v
> For a 48, usually 2 or 3 , or 37-38 cells.
> If you use much less, then the voltage swings really low, if you go more
> the voltage is too high for most inverters.
> The Iota isn’t going to charge them up fully with that low a voltage.  But
> I don’t know if that version Iota is adjustable, many of the older ones had
> a internal pot you could turn up.
> But heck give it a try and play with it.
> jay
> peltz power
> > On Jul 26, 2015, at 4:34 PM, Tom Lane <t...@ecs-solar.com> wrote:
> >
> > I have a friend who has forty ( 40 ) Iron Edison Batteries , he says
> they are each 1.5 volts and wants to use them for a backup to his aquatics
> business's . Continuous load 24/7 is only 365 watts with surges to 1200
> watts . My guess is that ___# of batteries ( maybe 32 to 36 ? ) can be wire
> as a 48 volt system ? Any suggestion on charge controllers - Morningstar or
> MidNite ? . .? A Samplex pure sign wave inverter 2000 watts at 48 volts and
> an Iota 54 volt battery charger is my guess that it might be the way to
> power the load - any suggestions  . Anyone have experience with Iron Edison
> .any suggestions appreciated !  Gator tom PS : any suggested websites ?
> >
> > Sent from my iPad
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